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The 6th International Summer School - CINEMAX


CINEMAX VI PhD Summer school

CINEMAX VI follows up on the successful CINEMAX I to CINEMAX V summer schools, where you get the chance to get teaching and hands on experience with the complete workflow of high-resolution tomography analysis.

Over 5 days, you will get introduced to data acquisition, 3D reconstruction, segmentation and meshing and, finally, 3D modelling of data to extract physical parameters describing mechanical and flow properties. The teaching and the exercises will take place in close interaction with top experts in the field. Exercises will require some basic programming skills, and will be carried out in a common python environment, introduced through an e-learning program that the students are required to follow before the school (Introduction to Advanced Tomography on Coursera).

The Summer School and e-learning course will typically be awarded 5 ECTS in total by your university. You will get a diploma describing the course content.

For DTU students: Please do also sign up to this course here on Study Planner.

Participants from outside DTU also need to fill in this form in order to access the group for sharing course material and receiving information.

The venue is at the beautiful and historical Fuglsang Manor, on Lolland, Southern Denmark. 

Website of the summer school.


Sunday 23 August – Thursday 27 August, 2020
Arrival: Before lunch on 23 August, departure 27 August 2020


Registration deadline: 30 July. There is a limited number of places: first come, first served basis.
Abstract upload for poster presentation: 15 August 2020


It is a prerequisite, that you as a preparation for attending the PhD summer school, have completed the honors track of the free course: Introduction to advanced tomography  


800 EURO (5970 DKK) which includes accomodation, all meals and social events. There is no course fee. Payment is by credit card.  

Please note, that you will receive a full refund of the registration fee, if we have to cancel the summer school because of the Coronavirus situation. 

Location and bus transfer

CINEMAX VI will take place at Fuglsang Manor, a historical conference centre and
refugium for artists and composers for more than a century, 

There will bus transport from Copenhagen to Fuglsang on 23 August and back on 27 August.

On 23 August 2020 the bus (John's Turistfart) for the venue will leave from Copenhagen Central station (Ingerslevsgade/DGI Byen), at 10.45. It will not wait and if you miss it, you will have to find your own way to Fuglsang Manor, Nystedvej 73, 4891 Toreby L. Public transport can be planned using

On 27 August 2020 you will arrive at 15:30 by bus at Copenhagen Central station (Ingerslevsgade/DGI Byen).   


Professor Jens Wenzel Andreasen or secretary Connie Munch Westergaard.


Rajmund Mokso, MAX IV Laboratory/Lund University
Brian Vinter, University of Copenhagen
Henning Osholm Sørensen, DTU Physics
Jens Wenzel Andreasen, DTU Energy
Anders Bjorholm Dahl, DTU Compute
Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen, DTU Wind
Connie Munch Westergaard, DTU Energy (secretary)

You will find the poster here!