Young researchers’ initiative – Life Science
Are you an early career researcher within the field of Life Science? This thematic branch of Young Researchers’ Initiatives dedicated to Life Science aims to provide a platform for researchers who are working with, or interested in, neutron and X-ray techniques. Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where you can meet fellow young researchers, find inspiration, establish valuable networks, and engage in discussions to get new ideas for your research.
We held our first inaugural symposium in early 2023, attracting over 60 participants from around the globe. Building on this success, we are planning future events such as Career days, visits to large-scale facilities, and topic-specific symposiums that will delve deeper in to specific areas of interest.
Who can participate? We welcome all all early career scientists including students, PhDs and post-doctoral researchers, who are working in the field of Life Science.
We also encourage you to explore our educational platform, where you can find videos on the fundamentals of neutrons and X-rays and their applications in Life Science research.
Additionally, LINXS have two themes related to Life Science: Chemistry of Life and Integrative Pharmacology and Drug Discovery, consisting of active researchers from both academia and industry.
Coordinator of LINXS Young Researchers’ Initiative – Life Science, LINXS Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellow at LINXS, Sweden.