This is a list of LINXS affiliated publications that have been communicated to LINXS. LINXS fellows are encouraged to use the LINXS affiliation, or to acknowledge LINXS when credit is due. Instructions on the correct way to do this can be found in the documents section under “instructions and templates“.


FragMAX Facility for Crystallographic Fragment and Ligand Screening at MAX IV
Kanchugal P., S., Jagudin, E., Lima, G. M. A., Talibov, V. O., Begum, A., Nan, J., Eguiraun, M., Gonzalez, A., Sele, C., Nyblom, M., Knecht, W., Logan, D. T., Sjögren, T., Thunnissen, M., Ursby, T., Obiols‐Rabasa, M., Larsson, M., Mueller, U. & Krojer, T., 2025 Feb 1, In: Applied Research. 4, 1, 11 p., e202400263.


Quantifying Shape Transition in Anisotropic Plasmonic Nanoparticles through Geometric Inversion. Application to Gold Bipyramids
José Luis Montaño-Priede, Ana Sánchez-Iglesias, Stefano Antonio Mezzasalma, Jordi Sancho-Parramon, Marek Grzelczak, 2024, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Vol 15 / Issue 14 Article.

Deciphering peptide-protein interactions via composition-based prediction: a case study with survivin/BIRC5
Atsarina Larasati Anindya, Torbjörn Nur Olsson, Maja Jensen, Maria-Jose Garcia-Bonete, Sally P Wheatley, Maria I Bokarewa, Stefano A Mezzasalma and Gergely Katona, 2024, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, Volume 5, Number 2

Theoretical and experimental characterization of mucus, an important barrier for pulmonary delivery
S. Mezzasalma, M. Abrami, G. Grassi, M.Grassi. CRS 2024, Bologna (IT), July 8-12, 2024 .

Theoretical and experimental determination of hydrogel mesh size distribution combining rheology and low field NMR
Stefano Mezzasalma, Michela Abrami, Gabriele Grassi, and Mario Grassi. AERC 2024, Leeds (UK), April 9-12

Propagation of Orientation Across Lengthscales in Sheared Self-Assembling Hierarchical Suspensions via Rheo-PLI-SAXS
R. Ghanbari, A. Terry, S. Wojno, M. Bek, K. Sekar, A. K. Sonker, K. Nygård, V. Ghai, S. Bianco, M. Liebi, A. Matic, G. Westman, T. Nypelö, R. Kádár, . Adv. Sci. 2024, 2410920.

A multi-scale numerical approach to study monoclonal antibodies in solution
Polimeni, M., Zaccarelli, E., Gulotta, A., Lund, M., Stradner, A. & Schurtenberger, P., 2024 Mar 1, In: APL Bioengineering. 8, 1, 016111.

ForMAX – a beamline for multiscale and multimodal structural characterization of hierarchical materials
Nygård, K., McDonald, S. A., González, J. B., Haghighat, V., Appel, C., Larsson, E., Ghanbari, R., Viljanen, M., Silva, J., Malki, S., Li, Y., Silva, V., Weninger, C., Engelmann, F., Jeppsson, T., Felcsuti, G., Rosén, T., Gordeyeva, K., Söderberg, L. D., Dierks, H., & 18 others, 2024 Feb 22, In: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 31, Pt 2, p. 363-377 15 p.

Neutron diffraction from a microgravity-grown crystal reveals the active site hydrogens of the internal aldimine form of tryptophan synthase
Drago, V. N., Devos, J. M., Blakeley, M. P., Forsyth, V. T., Parks, J. M., Kovalevsky, A. & Mueser, T. C., 2024 Feb 21, In: Cell Reports Physical Science. 5, 2, 101827.

Combined Neutron and X-Ray Tomography—A Versatile and Non-Destructive Tool in Planetary Geosciences
Martell, J., Alwmark, C., Woracek, R., Alwmark, S., Hall, S., Ferrière, L., Daly, L., Koch, C. B., Hektor, J., Johansson, S., Helfen, L., Tengattini, A. & Mannes, D., 2024 Feb, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 129, 2, e2023JE008222.

Inflammatory bowel disease induces pathological α-synuclein aggregation in the human gut and brain
Espinosa-Oliva, A. M., Ruiz, R., Soto, M. S., Boza-Serrano, A., Rodriguez-Perez, A. I., Roca-Ceballos, M. A., García-Revilla, J., Santiago, M., Serres, S., Economopoulus, V., Carvajal, A. E., Vázquez-Carretero, M. D., García-Miranda, P., Klementieva, O., Oliva-Martín, M. J., Deierborg, T., Rivas, E., Sibson, N. R., Labandeira-García, J. L., Machado, A., & 4 others, 2024 Feb, In: Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology. 50, 1, e12962.

In situ characterization of stresses, deformation and fracture of thin films using transmission X-ray nanodiffraction microscopy
Lotze, G., Iyer, A. H. S., Bäcke, O., Kalbfleisch, S. & Colliander, M. H., 2024, In: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 31, Pt 1, p. 42-54 13 p.

Towards multiscale X-ray tomographic imaging in membrane science: A perspective
Rudolph-Schöpping, G., Larsson, E., Pingel, T. N., Guizar-Sicairos, M., Villanueva-Perez, P., Hall, S. & Lipnizki, F., 2024, In: Journal of Membrane Science. 690, 122245.

Application of bipolar membrane electrodialysis for acidification of skim milk. A comprehensive study on process performance and effects on ion-exchange membranes.
Arthur Merkel, Gregor Rudolph-Schöpping, Shyam Suwal, Frank Lipnizki, Søren K. Lillevang, Lilia Ahrné, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 694.

Molecular basis for human aquaporin inhibition
Huang P, Åbacka H, Wilson CJ, Wind ML, Rűtzler M, Hagström-Andersson A, Gourdon P, de Groot BL, Venskutonytė R, Lindkvist-Petersson K. . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Feb 13;121(7):e2319682121. Epub 2024 Feb 6. PMID: 38319972; PMCID: PMC10873552.

On the interactions between RNA and titrateable lipid layers: implications for RNA delivery with lipid nanoparticles
Gilbert, J., Ermilova, I., Fornasier, M., Skoda, M., Fragneto, G., Swenson, J. & Nylander, T., 2023, In: Nanoscale, issue 2.

SMS121, a new inhibitor of CD36, impairs fatty acid uptake and viability of acute myeloid leukemia
Åbacka, H., Masoni, S., Poli, G., Huang, P., Gusso, F., Granchi, C., Minutolo, F., Tuccinardi, T., Hagström-Andersson, A. K.& Lindkvist-Petersson, K., 2024 Dec, In: Scientific Reports. 14, 1, 9104.

Photocatalytic Degradation of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides by Peptide-Coated TiO2Nanoparticles
Caselli, L., Du, G., Micciulla, S., Traini, T., Sebastiani, F., Diedrichsen, R. G., Köhler, S., Skoda, M. W. A., van der Plas, M. J. A. & Malmsten, M., 2024 Nov 6, In: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 16, 44, p. 60056-60069 14 p.

Towards natural care products: Structural and deposition studies of bio-based polymer and surfactant mixtures
Del Giudice, A., Gubitosi, M., Sthoer, A., Köhler, S., Ayscough, S., Skoda, M. W. A., Nylander, T. & Halthur, T., 2024 Oct, In: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 698, 134365.

New opportunities for time-resolved imaging using diffraction-limited storage rings
Yao, Z., Rogalinski, J., Asimakopoulou, E. M., Zhang, Y., Gordeyeva, K., Atoufi, Z., Dierks, H., McDonald, S., Hall, S., Wallentin, J., Söderberg, D., Nygård, K. & Villanueva-Perez, P., 2024 Sept 1, In: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 31, Pt 5, p. 1299-1307 9 p.

Volumetric changes of the enteric nervous system under physiological and pathological conditions measured using x-ray phase-contrast tomography
Peruzzi, N., Eckermann, M., Frohn, J., Salditt, T., Ohlsson, B. & Bech, M., 2024 Sept, In: JGH Open. 8, 9, e70027.

Magnetic contrast layers with functional SiO2 coatings for soft-matter studies with polarized neutron reflectometry
Dikaia, O., Luchini, A., Nylander, T., Grunin, A., Vorobiev, A. & Goikhman, A., 2024 Aug, In: Journal of Applied Crystallography. 57, Pt 4, p. 1145-1153 9 p.

Using Iron L-Edge and Nitrogen K-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Improve the Understanding of the Electronic Structure of Iron Carbene Complexes
Guo, M., Temperton, R., D’Acunto, G., Johansson, N., Jones, R., Handrup, K., Ringelband, S., Prakash, O., Fan, H., de Groot, L. H. M., Hlynsson, V. F., Kaufhold, S., Gordivska, O., Velásquez González, N., Wärnmark, K., Schnadt, J., Persson, P.& Uhlig, J., 2024 Jul 8, In: Inorganic Chemistry. 63, 27, p. 12457-12468 12 p.

Stabilization of Non-Native Folds and Programmable Protein Gelation in Compositionally Designed Deep Eutectic Solvents
Sanchez-Fernandez, A., Poon, J.-F., Leung, A. E., Prévost, S. F. & Dicko, C., 2024 Jul, In: ACS Nano. 18, 28, p. 18314-1832613 p.

Conformational control of antimicrobial peptide amphiphilicity: consequences for boosting membrane interactions and antimicrobial effects of photocatalytic TiO2nanoparticles
Caselli, L., Köhler, S., Schirone, D., Humphreys, B. & Malmsten, M., 2024 May 22, In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.26, 23, p. 16529-16539 11 p.

Time-resolved scattering methods for biological samples at the CoSAXS beamline, MAX IV Laboratory
Herranz-Trillo, F., Sørensen, H. V., Dicko, C., Pérez, J., Lenton, S., Foderà, V., Fornell, A., Skepö, M., Plivelic, T. S., Berntsson, O., Andersson, M., Magkakis, K., Orädd, F., Ahn, B., Appio, R., Da Silva, J., Da Silva, V., Lerato, M. & Terry, A. E., 2024 Jan, Time-Resolved Methods in Structural Biology. Academic Press, p. 245-296 52 p. (Methods in Enzymology; vol. 709).

Antimicrobial Peptide Coating of TiO2 Nanoparticles for Boosted Antimicrobial Effects
Caselli, L., Traini, T., Micciulla, S., Sebastiani, F., Köhler, S., Nielsen, E. M., Diedrichsen, R. G., Skoda, M. W. A. & Malmsten, M., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Advanced Functional Materials.

Combining Scattering Experiments and Colloid Theory to Characterize Charge Effects in Concentrated Antibody Solutions
Gulotta, A., Polimeni, M., Lenton, S., Starr, C. G., Stradner, A., Zaccarelli, E. & Schurtenberger, P., 2024, In: Molecular Pharmaceutics. 21, 5, p. 2250–2271 22 p.

Exploring the Role of Globular Domain Locations on an Intrinsically Disordered Region of p53: A Molecular Dynamics Investigation
Bakker, M. J., Sørensen, H. V. & Skepö, M., 2024, In: Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 20, 3, p. 1423–1433 11 p.

Propagation of insulator-to-metal transition driven by photoinduced strain waves in a Mott material
Amano, T., Babich, D., Mandal, R., Guzman-Brambila, J., Volte, A., Trzop, E., Servol, M., Pastor, E., Alashoor, M., Larsson, J., Jurgilaitis, A., Pham, V. T., Kroon, D., Ekström, J. C., Ahn, B., Mariette, C., Levantino, M., Kozhaev, M., Tranchant, J. & Corraze, B. & 13 others, , 2024, In: Nature Physics. 20, 11

Synthesis of Well-Ordered Functionalized Silicon Microwires Using Displacement Talbot Lithography for Photocatalysis
Eriksson, A., Kawde, A., Hrachowina, L., McKibbin, S. R., Shi, Q., Borgström, M. T., Wågberg, T., Pullerits, T. & Uhlig, J., 2024, In: ACS Omega. 9, 18, p. 20623-20628 6 p.

The Impact of Annealing Methods on the Encapsulating Structure and Storage-Stability of Freeze-Dried Pellets of Probiotic Bacteria
Palmkron, S. B., Bergenståhl, B., Hall, S., Håkansson, S., Wahlgren, M., Larsson, E. & Fureby, A. M., 2024, In: Pharmaceutical Research. 41, p. 1671-1682 12 p.

The influence of different ultrafiltration set-ups on the mineral partitioning between skim milk streams
Jiang, Y., Rauh, V., Lillevang, S. K., Skibsted, L. H., Lipnizki, F., Barone, G. & Ahrné, L., 2024, In: International Journal of Dairy Technology. 77, 3, p. 884-892


The structure of songbird MHC class I reveals antigen binding that is flexible at the N-terminus and static at the C-terminus
Sandra Eltschkner, Samantha Mellinger, Soren Buus, Morten Nielsen, Kajsa M. Paulsson, Karin Lindkvist-Petersson, Helena WesterdahlFront. Immunol., 07 July 2023. Sec. Comparative Immunology. Volume 14 - 2023.

Salt Effects on Caffeine across Concentration Regimes
Hervø-Hansen, S., Polák, J., Tomandlová, M., Dzubiella, J., Heyda, J. & Lund, M., 2023 Dec, In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 127, 48, p. 10253-10265 13 p.

Dynamical exchange-correlation potential formalism for spin- 12 Heisenberg and Hubbard chains: The antiferromagnetic/half-filled case
Zhao, Z., Verdozzi, C. & Aryasetiawan, F., 2023 Dec, In: Physical Review B. 108, 23, 235132.

Label-Free High-Resolution Photothermal OpticalInfrared Spectroscopy for Spatiotemporal Chemica lAnalysis in Fresh, Hydrated Living Tissues and Embryos
Gvazava, N., Konings, S., Cepeda-Prado, E., Skoryk, V., Harrison Umeano, C., Dong, J., Augusto Silva, I., Rylander Ottosson, D., Leigh, N., Wagner, D. & Klementieva, O., 2023 Nov 2, In: Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Continuity equation for the many-electron spectral function
Aryasetiawan, F., 2023 Sept 15, In: Physical Review B. 108, 11, 115110.

Structural insights on ionizable Dlin-MC3-DMA lipids in DOPC layers by combining accurate atomistic force fields, molecular dynamics simulations and neutron reflectivity
Ibrahim, M., Gilbert, J., Heinz, M., Nylander, T. & Schwierz, N., 2023 Jun 22, In: Nanoscale. 15, 27, p. 11647-11656 10 p.

Anisotropic protein-protein interactions in dilute and concentrated solutions
Pasquier, C., Midtgaard, S. R., Polimeni, M., Jørgensen, C. I., Arleth, L., Callisen, T. H. & Lund, M., 2023 Jan, In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 629, p. 794-804 11 p.

Anaerobic fixed-target serial crystallography using sandwiched silicon nitride membranes
Bjelčić, M., Sigfridsson Clauss, K. G. V., Aurelius, O., Milas, M., Nan, J. & Ursby, T., 2023, In: Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology. 79, Pt 11, p. 1018-1025 8 p.

From dilute to concentrated solutions of intrinsically disordered proteins: Interpretation and analysis of collected data
Lenton, S., Fagerberg, E., Tully, M. & Skepö, M., 2023, Small Angle Scattering Part B: Methods for Structural Interpretation. Tainer, J. A. (ed.). Academic Press, p. 299-330 32 p. (Methods in Enzymology; vol. 678).

On the interactions between RNA and titrateable lipid layers: implications for RNA delivery with lipid nanoparticles
Gilbert, J., Ermilova, I., Fornasier, M., Skoda, M., Fragneto, G., Swenson, J. & Nylander, T., 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Nanoscale.

The intracellular helical bundle of human glucose transporter GLUT4 is important for complex formation with ASPL
Huang, P., Åbacka, H., Varela, D., Venskutonytė, R., Happonen, L., Bogan, J. S., Gourdon, P., Amiry-Moghaddam, M. R., André, I. & Lindkvist-Petersson, K., 2023, In: FEBS Open Bio. 13, 11, p. 2094-2107

In situ characterization of stresses, deformation and fracture of thin films using transmission X-ray nanodiffraction microscopy
G. Lotze, A. H. S. Iyer, O. Bäcke, S. Kalbfleisch and M. H. Colliander, Journal of Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31, 42-54.

Topological electronic bands in crystalline solids
A. T. Boothroyd (18 Sep 2023), Contemporary Physics.

Protein Shift – How Membrane Technology Can Contribute
Frank Lipnizki, Johan Thuvander, and Gregor Rudolph-Schöpping, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Volume95, Issue9, Special Issue: Membrantechnologie in Lebensmittel‐ und Pharmaindustrie, September 2023.

Light-Driven Self-Oscillation of Thermoplasmonic Nanocolloids
Stefano A. Mezzasalma, Joscha Kruse, Stefan Merkens, Eneko Lopez, Andreas Seifert, Roberto Morandotti, Marek Grzelczak, Advanced Material, Volume 35, Issue 41, October 12, 2023, 2302987.

Towards multiscale X-ray tomographic imaging in membrane science — A perspective
Gregor Rudolph-Schöpping, Emanuel Larsson, Torben Nilsson Pingel, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Pablo Villanueva-Perez, Stephen Hall, Frank Lipnizki, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 690, 2024, 122245. (online ahead of print)

Anion-Specific Adsorption of Carboxymethyl Cellulose on Cellulose
Arumughan, V., Özeren, H. D., Hedenqvist, M., Skepö, M., Nypelö, T., Hasani, M. & Larsson, A., 2023 okt. 11, I: Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 39, 42, s. 15014-15021

Apolipoprotein E intersects with amyloid-β within neurons
Konings, S. C., Nyberg, E., Martinsson, I., Torres-Garcia, L., Klementieva, O., Guimas Almeida, C. & Gouras, G. K., 2023 aug., I: Life Science Alliance. 6, 8, e202201887.

Bioactive Suture with Added Innate Defense Functionality for the Reduction of Bacterial Infection and Inflammation
Puthia, M., Petrlova, J., Petruk, G., Butrym, M., Samsudin, F., Andersson, M. Å., Strömdahl, A-C., Wasserstrom, S., Hartman, E., Kjellström, S., Caselli, L., Klementieva, O., Bond, P. J., Malmsten, M., Raina, D. & Schmidtchen, A., 2023 sep. 9, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Advanced healthcare materials.

Comparative Performance of Computer Simulation Models of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins at Different Levels of Coarse-Graining
Fagerberg, E. & Skepö, M., 2023, I: Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 63, 13, s. 4079-4087

Cryo-EM structure supports a role of AQP7 as a junction protein
Huang, P., Venskutonytė, R., Prasad, R. B., Ardalani, H., de Maré, S. W., Fan, X., Li, P., Spégel, P., Yan, N., Gourdon, P., Artner, I. & Lindkvist-Petersson, K., 2023, I: Nature Communications. 14, s. 1-12 600.

Electrostatic interactions control the adsorption of extracellular vesicles onto supported lipid bilayers
Ridolfi, A., Cardellini, J., Gashi, F., van Herwijnen, M. J. C., Trulsson, M., Campos-Terán, J., H. M. Wauben, M., Berti, D., Nylander, T. & Stenhammar, J., 2023, I: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 650, s. 883-891 9 s.

Encapsulation of sugar beet phytoglobin BvPgb 1.2 and myoglobin in a lipid sponge phase system
Gilbert, J., Christensen, S., Nylander, T. & Buelow, L., 2023 juli 8, I: Frontiers in Soft Matter. 3

Experimental investigation of microscale mechanisms during compressive loading of paperboard
Johansson, S., Engqvist, J., Tryding, J. & Hall, S. A., 2023, I: Cellulose. 30, 7, s. 4639-4662 24 s.

Experimental quantification of 3D deformations in sensitive clay during stress-probing
Birmpilis, G., Andò, E., Stamati, O., Hall, S. A., Gerolymatou, H. E. & Dijkstra, J., 2023, I: Geotechnique. 73, 8, s. 655-666

Formalin-free fixation and xylene-free tissue processing preserves cell-hydrogel interactions for histological evaluation of 3D calcium alginate tissue engineered constructs
Augusto Silva, I., Gvazava, N., Wendi, I. P., Guinea Ordonez, R. J., Garcia Gimenez, F., Stegmayr, J., Klementieva, O. & Wagner, D., 2023 apr. 17, I: Frontiers in Biomaterials Science. 2-2023, 1155919

Galectin-3 shapes toxic alpha-synuclein strains in Parkinson’s disease
García-Revilla, J., Boza-Serrano, A., Jin, Y., Vadukul, D. M., Soldán-Hidalgo, J., Camprubí-Ferrer, L., García-Cruzado, M., Martinsson, I., Klementieva, O., Ruiz, R., Aprile, F. A., Deierborg, T. & Venero, J. L., 2023 juli, I: Acta Neuropathologica. 146, 1, s. 51-75 25 s.

High-Density Lipoprotein function is modulated by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in a lipid-type dependent manner
Correa, Y., Del Giudice, R., Waldie, S., Thépaut, M., Micciula, S., Gerelli, Y., Moulin, M., Delaunay, C., Fieschi, F., Pichler, H., Haertlein, M., Forsyth, V. T., Le Brun, A., Moir, M., Russell, R. A., Darwish, T., Brinck, J., Wodaje, T., Jansen, M., Martín, C., & 2 andra, 2023 sep., I: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 645, s. 627-638 12 s.

Interaction of a Histidine-Rich Antimicrobial Saliva Peptide with Model Cell Membranes: The Role of Histidines
Eriksson Skog, A., Corucci, G., Tully, M. D., Fragneto, G., Gerelli, Y. & Skepö, M., 2023 juni 6, I: Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 39, 22, s. 7694-7706 13 s.

Interactions Between Imbibition and Pressure-Driven Flow in a Microporous Deformed Limestone
Lewis, H., Couples, G., Tengattini, A., Buckman, J., Tudisco, E., Etxegarai, M., Viggiani, G. & Hall, S. A., 2023, I: Transport in Porous Media. 146, 3, s. 559-585

Kitchen-based light tomography - a DIY toolkit for advancing tomography - by and for the tomography community
Larsson, E., Gürsoy, D. & Hall, S., 2023 mars 1, I: Tomography of Materials and Structures. 1, 1, s. 1-11 11 s., 100001.

Maternal separation differentially modulates early pathology by sex in 5xFAD Alzheimer’s disease-transgenic mice
Garcia, M. G., Paulus, A., Vázquez-Reyes, S., Klementieva, O., Gouras, G. K., Bachiller, S. & Deierborg, T., 2023 okt., I: Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health. 32, 10 s., 100663.

Proteomic analysis across patient iPSC-based models and human post-mortem hippocampal tissue reveals early cellular dysfunction and progression of Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis
Pomeshchik, Y., Velasquez, E., Gil, J., Klementieva, O., Gidlöf, R., Sydoff, M., Bagnoli, S., Nacmias, B., Sorbi, S., Westergren-Thorsson, G., Gouras, G. K., Rezeli, M. & Roybon, L., 2023 sep. 15, I: Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 11, 150.

Time-dependent exchange-correlation hole and potential of the electron gas
Karlsson, K. & Aryasetiawan, F., 2023 mars, I: Physical Review B. 107, 11, 115172.

Doctoral thesis: Sensemaking in chemistry at upper secondary school
Hamnell -Pamment, Y., 2023 sep. 28, Lund: Lund University (Media-Tryck).

Using Cluster Theory to Calculate the Experimental Structure Factors of Antibody Solutions
Skar-Gislinge, N., Camerin, F., Stradner, A., Zaccarelli, E. & Schurtenberger, P., 2023 maj, I: Molecular Pharmaceutics. 20, 5, s. 2738-2753 16 s.


Correlative optical photothermal infrared and X-ray fluorescence for chemical imaging of trace elements and relevant molecular structures directly in neurons.
Nadja Gustavsson, Agnes Paulus , Isak Martinsson , Anders Engdahl , Kadda Medjoubi, Konstantin Klementiev , Andrea Somogyi , Tomas Deierborg, Ferenc Borondics, Gunnar K Gouras, Oxana Klementieva. Light Sci Appl . 2021 Jul 22;10(1):151. doi: 10.1038/s41377-021-00590-x.

Kitchen-Based Light Tomography - a DIY toolkit for advancing tomography - by and for the tomography community
Emanuel Larssona, Doğa Gürsoy, Stephen A. Hall, (2022) Tomography of Materials and Structures

Report on the Workshop on “Magnetic Small Angle Neutron Scattering - Data Analysis and Software Prospects
Annika Stellhorn, Wojciech Potrzebowski & Paul D. Butler, (2022) Neutron News, 33:4, 9-10.

Statistical thermodynamics in reversible clustering of gold nanoparticles. A first step towards nanocluster heat engines
Stefano A.Mezzasalma, JoschaKruse, Amaia Iturrospe Ibarra, Arantxa Arbe, Marek Grzelczak, 2022: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 628, Part A, 15 December 2022, Pages 205-214

Rubber elasticity of polymer networks in explicitly non-Gaussian states. Statistical mechanics and LF-NMR inquiry in hydrogel systems
Stefano A.Mezzasalma, Michela Abrami, Gabriele Grassi, MarioGrassi, 2022:
International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 176, 1 June 2022, 103676.

Probing Cage Relaxation in Concentrated Protein Solutions by X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
Chushkin Y., Gulotta A., Roosen-Runge F., Pal A., Stradner A., Schurtenberger P. 2022. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 238001.

A modified Jarzynski free-energy estimator to eliminate non-conservative forces and its application in nanoparticle-membrane interactions
Hosseini, A. N., Lund, M. & Ejtehadi, M. R., 2022 feb. 14, I: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 24, 6, s. 3647-3654 8 s.

Anion-cation contrast of small molecule solvation in salt solutions
Hervø-Hansen, S., Heyda, J., Lund, M. & Matubayasi, N., 2022 feb. 7, I: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 24, 5, s. 3238-3249 12 s.

Assessing the structural and dynamical properties of concentrated solutions of the disordered proteins Histatin 5 and its tandem repeat
Fagerberg, E., 2022, Lund University. 258 s.

C-amidation of substituted β 3oligoamides yields novel supramolecular assembly motif
Buchanan, C., Puskar, L., Garvey, C. J. & Mechler, A., 2022 jan. 8, I: Nanotechnology. 33, 2, 025601.

Characterisation of Grains and Flour Fractions from Field Grown Transgenic Oil-Accumulating Wheat Expressing Oat WRI1
Snell, P., Wilkinson, M., Taylor, G. J., Hall, S., Sharma, S., Sirijovski, N., Hansson, M., Shewry, P. R., Hofvander, P. & Grimberg, Å., 2022 apr., I: Plants. 11, 7, 889.

Clustering and cross-linking of the wheat storage protein α-gliadin: A combined experimental and theoretical approach
Markgren, J., Rasheed, F., Hedenqvist, M. S., Skepö, M. & Johansson, E., 2022, I: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 211, s. 592-615 24 s.

Correlative imaging to resolve molecular structures in individual cells: Substrate validation study for super-resolution infrared microspectroscopy
Paulus, A., Yogarasa, S., Kansiz, M., Martinsson, I., Gouras, G. K., Deierborg, T., Engdahl, A., Borondics, F. & Klementieva, O., 2022, I: Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 43, s. 102563 102563.

Counterintuitive Electrostatics upon Metal Ion Coordination to a Receptor with Two Homotopic Binding Sites
Aspelin, V., Lidskog, A., Solano Arribas, C., Hervø-Hansen, S., Stenqvist, B., Chudoba, R., Wärnmark, K. & Lund, M., 2022 feb. 10, I: Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144, 7, s. 2921-2932 12 s.

Early-life stress elicits peripheral and brain immune activation differently in wild type and 5xFAD mice in a sex-specific manner
Bachiller, S., Hidalgo, I., Garcia, M. G., Boza-Serrano, A., Paulus, A., Denis, Q., Haikal, C., Manouchehrian, O., Klementieva, O., Li, J. Y., Pronk, C. J., Gouras, G. K. & Deierborg, T., 2022 juni 15, I: Journal of Neuroinflammation. 19, 151.

Effect of encapsulated protein on the dynamics of lipid sponge phase: a neutron spin echo and molecular dynamics simulation study
Gilbert, J., Ermilova, I., Nagao, M., Swenson, J. & Nylander, T., 2022, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Nanoscale.

Electronic polarization effects on membrane translocation of anti-cancer drugs
Najla Hosseini, A., Lund, M. & Ejtehadi, M. R., 2022 apr. 18, I: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 24, 20, s. 12281-1229212 s.

Fibre directions at a branch-stem junction in Norway spruce: a microscale investigation using X-ray computed tomography
Hu, M., Olsson, A., Hall, S. & Seifert, T., 2022, I: Wood Science and Technology. 56, 1, s. 147-169

From dilute to concentrated solutions of intrinsically disordered proteins: Sample preparation and data collection
Lenton, S., Tully, M. D. & Skepö, M., 2022 okt., (E-pub ahead of print) Methods in Enzymology. Academic Press, 22 s.(Methods in Enzymology).

Impact of Compression on the Electrochemical Performance of the Sulfur/Carbon Composite Electrode in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Chien, Y. C., Li, H., Lampkin, J., Hall, S., Garcia-Araez, N., Brant, W. R., Brandell, D. & Lacey, M. J., 2022, I: Batteries and Supercaps. 5, 7

Innovative Green Way to Design Biobased Electrospun Fibers from Wheat Gluten and These Fibers' Potential as Absorbents of Biofluids
Muneer, F., Hedenqvist, M. S., Hall, S. & Kuktaite, R., 2022, I: ACS Environmental Au. 2, 3 , s. 232-241

Innovatively processed quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) food: chemistry, structure and end-use characteristics
Kuktaite, R., Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, R., de Mendoza, C. C. H., Plivelic, T. S., Hall, S. & Johansson, E., 2022, I: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 102, 12 , s. 5065-5076

In situ microstructural evolution of spruce wood during soda pulping using synchrotron X-ray tomography
Wagih, A., Hasani, M., Hall, S. A., Novak, V. & Theliander, H., 2022, I: Holzforschung. 76, 7 , s. 611-621

Interaction of nanoparticles with lipid films: The role of symmetry and shape anisotropy
Caselli, L., Ridolfi, A., Mangiapia, G., Maltoni, P., Moulin, J. F., Berti, D., Steinke, N. J., Gustafsson, E., Nylander, T. & Montis, C., 2022 feb. 7, I: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 24, 5, s. 2762-2776 15 s.

Interactions Between Imbibition and Pressure-Driven Flow in a Microporous Deformed Limestone
Lewis, H., Couples, G., Tengattini, A., Buckman, J., Tudisco, E., Etxegarai, M., Viggiani, G. & Hall, S. A., 2022, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Transport in Porous Media.

Localised strain in fissured clays: The combined effect of fissure orientation and confining pressure
Tudisco, E., Vitone, C., Mondello, C., Viggiani, G., Athanasopoulos, S., Hall, S. A. & Cotecchia, F., 2022, I: Acta Geotechnica. 17, 5, s. 1585-1603

Microgravity crystallization of perdeuterated tryptophan synthase for neutron diffraction
Drago, V. N., Devos, J. M., Blakeley, M. P., Forsyth, V. T., Kovalevsky, A. Y., Schall, C. A. & Mueser, T. C., 2022, I: npj Microgravity. 8, 1, 13.

Microscale deformation mechanisms in paperboard during continuous tensile loading and 4D synchrotron X-ray tomography
Johansson, S., Engqvist, J., Tryding, J. & Hall, S. A., 2022, I: Strain. 58, 5

Molecular dynamics simulations of the adsorption of an intrinsically disordered protein: Force field and water model evaluation in comparison with experiments
Koder Hamid, M., Månsson, L. K., Meklesh, V., Persson, P. & Skepö, M., 2022 okt., I: Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 9, 14 s., 958175.

Nanoscale structural and mechanical characterization of thin bicontinuous cubic phase lipid films
Ridolfi, A., Humphreys, B., Caselli, L., Montis, C., Nylander, T., Berti, D., Brucale, M. & Valle, F., 2022 feb. 1, I: Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 210, 112231.

Nanoscale Structure and Dynamics of Model Membrane Lipid Raft Systems, Studied by Neutron Scattering Methods
Ahmadi, D., Thompson, K. C., García Sakai, V., Schweins, R., Moulin, M., Haertlein, M., Strohmeier, G. A., Pichler, H., Forsyth, V. T., Barlow, D. J., Lawrence, M. J. & Foglia, F., 2022 apr. 27, I: Frontiers in Physics. 10, 864746.

Nanostructurally Controllable Strong Wood Aerogel toward Efficient Thermal Insulation
Garemark, J., Perea-Buceta, J. E., Rico Del Cerro, D., Hall, S., Berke, B., Kilpeläinen, I., Berglund, L. A. & Li, Y., 2022 juni 1, I: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 14, 21, s. 24697-24707 11 s.

Neutron crystallography reveals mechanisms used by Pseudomonas aeruginosa for host-cell binding
Gajdos, L., Blakeley, M. P., Haertlein, M., Forsyth, V. T., Devos, J. M. & Imberty, A., 2022, I: Nature Communications. 13, 1, 194.

Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy patient iPSC-derived oligodendrocytes exhibit alpha-synuclein-induced changes in maturation and immune reactive properties
Azevedo, C., Teku, G., Pomeshchik, Y., Reyes, J. F., Chumarina, M., Russ, K., Savchenko, E., Hammarberg, A., Lamas, N. J., Collin, A., Gouras, G. K., Klementieva, O., Hallbeck, M., Taipa, R., Vihinen, M. & Roybon, L., 2022, I: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 12, e2111405119.

Polymer-Mediated Interactions and Phase Behaviour of Polymer-Particle Dispersions
Haddadi, S., 2022 apr. 28, Lund University. 139 s.

Prolonged heat and drought versus cool climate on the Swedish spring wheat breeding lines: Impact on the gluten protein quality and grain microstructure
Lama, S., Vallenback, P., Hall, S. A., Kuzmenkova, M. & Kuktaite, R., 2022, I: Food and Energy Security. 11, 2

Quantifying the hierarchy of structural and mechanical length scales in granular systems
Shahin, G., Herbold, E. B., Hall, S. A. & Hurley, R. C., 2022 feb., I: Extreme Mechanics Letters. 51, 101590.

Self-Interactions of Two Monoclonal Antibodies: Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, Light Scattering, and Coarse-Grained Modeling
Mahapatra, S., Polimeni, M., Gentiluomo, L., Roessner, D., Frieß, W., Peters, G. H. J., Streicher, W. W., Lund, M. & Harris, P., 2022, I: Molecular Pharmaceutics. 19, 2, s. 508-519

Shape Matters in Magnetic-Field-Assisted Assembly of Prolate Colloids
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Shining infrared light on amyloid structures in neurodegenerative proteinopathies.
Paulus, A., 2022, Lund: Lund University, Faculty of Medicine. 78 s.

Structure and anisotropic dynamics of stimuli responsive colloidal ellipsoids at the nearest neighbor length scale
Pal, A., Kamal, M. A. & Schurtenberger, P., 2022, I: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 621, s. 352-359 8 s.

The Influence of pH on the Lipase Digestion of Nanosized Triolein, Diolein and Monoolein films
Humphreys, B. A., Campos-Terán, J., Arnold, T., Baunsgaard, L., Vind, J., Dicko, C. & Nylander, T., 2022, I: Frontiers in Soft Matter. 2, 13 s., 929104.

The scale of a martian hydrothermal system explored using combined neutron and x-ray tomography
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The synaptic and neurobiological role of apolipoprotein E4 in models of Alzheimer's disease
Konings, S., 2022, Lund: Lund University, Faculty of Medicine. 108 s.

Towards a multiconfigurational description of the electronic structure in solids
Larsson, E. D., 2022 okt. 31, Lund: Lunds Universitet/Lunds Tekniska Högskola. 101 s

Recommendations for Addressing the Translational Gap between Experimental and Clinical Research on Amyloid Diseases
Miriam Solomon; Vito Foderà; Annette Eva Langkilde; Perry Elliott; Fabrizio Tagliavini; Trevor Forsyth; Oxana Klementieva; Vittorio Bellotti.Journal of Translational Medicine, 13 May 2022.

On the extension of a physical body in classical motion. An analogy between a pseudo-velocity concept and Wiener’s process in (ideal) polymer solutions.
Stefano A.Mezzasalma, Results in Physics, Volume 34, March 2022.

Aquaglyceroporins and orthodox aquaporins in human adipocytes. Huang P, Hansen JS, Saba KH, Bergman A, Negoita F, Gourdon P, Hagström-Andersson A, Lindkvist-Petersson K. Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 2022 Feb 1.

Analyses of the complex formation of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A and human gp130 cytokine receptor. Sibel Uzunҫayır, Arturo Vera-Rodriguez, Paulina Regenthal, Hannah Åbacka, Cecilia Emanuelsson, Christopher D. Bahl, Karin Lindkvist-Petersson. FEBS Lett. 2022 Jan 21. Online ahead of print.

Self-Diffusive Properties of the Intrinsically Disordered Protein Histatin 5 and the Impact of Crowding Thereon: A Combined Neutron Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Eric Fagerberg, Samuel Lenton, Tommy Nylander, Tilo Seydel, and Marie Skepö. 2022 Jan 19. Journal of Physical Chemistry.

Neutron crystallography reveals mechanisms used by Pseudomonas aeruginosa for host-cell binding. Lukas Gajdos, Matthew P Blakeley, Michael Haertlein, Trevor Forsyth, Juliette M Devos, Anne Imberty,   2022 Jan 11. Nature Communications .

Microgravity crystallization of perdeuterated tryptophan synthase for neutron diffraction
Victoria N. Drago, Juliette M. Devos, Matthew P. Blakeley, V. Trevor Forsyth, Andrey Y. Kovalevsky, Constance A. Schall & Timothy C. Mueser, 2022: npj Microgravity volume 8, Article number: 13

Untangling the threads of cellulose mercerization
Daisuke Sawada, Yoshiharu Nishiyama, Riddhi Shah, V. Trevor Forsyth, Estelle Mossou, Hugh Michael O’Neill, Masahisa Wada, Paul Langan, 2022: Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 6189 (2022)


Physical and chemical properties of carbon nanotubes in view of mechanistic neuroscience investigations. Some outlook from condensed matter, materials science and physical chemistry
Stefano A.Mezzasalma, Lucia Grassi, Mario Grassic. 2021, December. In: Materials Science and Engineering

Tailoring plasmonic resonances in Cu-Ag metal islands films
Matej Bubaš, Vesna Janicki, Stefano A.Mezzasalma, Maria Chiara Spadaro, Jordi Arbiol, JordiSancho-Parramona. 2021 October 30. Applied Surface Science

Comprehensive multidimensional study of the self-assembly properties of a three residue substituted β3 oligoamide
Buchanan, C., M. G. Hinds, L. Puskar, C. J. Garvey, and A. Mechler. 2021 October. Pure and Applied Chemistry.

C-amidation of substituted β3 oligoamides yields novel supramolecular assembly motif
Buchanan, C. E., L. Ljiljana Puskar, C. J. Garvey, and A. Mechler. 2021, 22 October, In: Nanotechnology.

Estimation of pre-dolomitisation porosity and permeability of a nummulitic carbonate reservoir rock using the Multi-Component Architecture Method (MCAM)
A. Mangione, H. Lewis, S. Geiger, Z. Jiang, G. D. Couples, J. Buckman, S. Beavington-Penney & S. A. Hall, 2021 Oct, In: Marine and Petroleum Geology.

Photoelectrochemical Oxidation in Ambient Conditions Using Earth-Abundant Hematite Anode: A Green Route for the Synthesis of Biobased Polymer Building Blocks.
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Deuterated Bacterial Cellulose Dissolution in Ionic Liquids
Vikram Singh Raghuwanshi, Yachin Cohen, Guillaume Garnier, Christopher J. Garvey & Gil Garnier, 2021 Jul 27, In: Macromolecules.

Correlative optical photothermal infrared and X-ray fluorescence for chemical imaging of trace elements and relevant molecular structures directly in neurons
Nadja Gustavsson, Agnes Paulus, Isak Martinsson, Anders Engdahl, Kadda Medjoubi, Konstantin Klementiev, Andrea Somogyi, Tomas Deierborg, Ferenc Borondics, Gunnar Keppler Gouras & Oxana Klementieva, 2021 Jul 22, In: Light, science & applications.

Dual modality neutron and x-ray tomography for enhanced image analysis of the bone-metal interface
Elin Törnquist, Sophie Le Cann, Erika Tudisco, Alessandro Tengattini, Edward And, Nicolas Lenoir, Johan Hektor, Deepak Bushan Raina, Magnus Tägil, Stephen A. Hall & Hanna Isaksson, 2021 Jul 7, In: Physics in Medicine and Biology.

Stochastic modelling of 3D fiber structures imaged with X-ray microtomography
Philip Townsend, Emanuel Larsson, Tomas Karlson, Stephen A. Hall, Malin Lundman, Per Bergström, Charlotta Hanson, Niklas Lorén, Tobias Gebäck, Aila Särkkä & Magnus Röding, 2021 Jun 15, In: Computational Materials Science.

Morphologies and Structure of Brain Lipid Membrane Dispersions
Alfredsson, V., Lo Nostro, P., Ninham, B. & Nylander, T., 2021 June 14: Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 9, 675140.

Conformation of poly(ethylene glycol) in aqueous cholinium amino acid hybrid solvents
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The Brittle-Ductile Transition in Porous Limestone: Failure Mode, Constitutive Modeling of Inelastic Deformation and Strain Localization
Patrick Baud, Stephen Hall, Michael J. Heap, Yuntao Ji & Teng fong Wong, 2021 May, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

The Protein Corona Leads to Deformation of Spherical Micelles
Cheng Cao, Lin Zhang, Ben Kent, Sandy Wong, Christopher J. Garvey & Martina H. Stenzel, 2021 Apr 26, In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition.

Effect of non-Gaussian end-to-end distributions on shear and elastic gel moduli: theoretical and experimental approach
Stefano Mezzasalma, Michela Abrami, Gabriele Grassi and Mario Grassi. 2021.

Targeting GLUT1 in acute myeloid leukemia to overcome cytarabine resistance. Hannah Åbacka, Jesper S Hansen, Peng Huang, Raminta Venskutonytė, Axel Hyrenius-Wittsten, Giulio Poli, Tiziano Tuccinardi, Carlotta Granchi, Filippo Minutolo, Anna K Hagström-Andersson, Karin Lindkvist-Petersson. Haematologica, 2021 Apr 1;106(4):1163-1166.

Amyloid Structural Changes Studied by Infrared Microspectroscopy in Bigenic Cellular Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
Agnes Paulus, Anders Engdahl, Yiyi Yang, Antonio Boza Serrano, Sara Bachiller, Laura Torres-Garcia, Alexander Svanbergsson, Megg Garcia, Gunnar Keppler Gouras, Jia-Yi Li, Tomas Deierborg & Oxana Klementieva, 2021 Mar 26, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Review of life science applications using submicron O-PTIR and simultaneous Raman microscopy: a new paradigm in vibrational spectroscopy
Mustafa Kanziz, Alice Spadea, Jayakrupakar Nallala, Cassio Lima, Howbeer Muhamadali, Joanna Denbigh, Jayne Lawrence, Gorkem Bakir, Peter Gardner, Nick Stone, Roy Goodacre, Kathleen Gough & Oxana Klementieva, 2021 Mar 5, In: Advanced Chemical Microscopy for Life Science and Translational Medicine.

Structural characterization of the microbial enzyme urocanate reductase mediating imidazole propionate production
Raminta Venskutonytė, Ara Koh, Olof Stenström, Muhammad Tanweer Khan, Annika Lundqvist, Mikael Akke, Fredrik Bäckhed, Karin Lindkvist-Petersson. Nature Communications. 2021 Mar 1;12(1):1347.

3D X-Ray Diffraction Characterization of Grain Growth and Recrystallization in Rolled Braze Clad Aluminum Sheet
Torkel Stenqvist, Johan Hektor, Sara Bylund, Robert Moberg, Mårten O.M. Edwards, Stephen A. Hall & Lars Åke Näslund, 2021, In: Advanced Engineering Materials.

Anisotropic dynamics of magnetic colloidal cubes studied by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Antara Pal, Md Arif Kamal, Thomas Zinn, Jan K.G. Dhont & Peter Schurtenberger, 2021, In: Physical Review Materials.

Bicontinuous cubic liquid crystalline phase nanoparticles stabilized by softwood hemicellulose
Polina Naidjonoka, Marco Fornasier, David Pålsson, Gregor Rudolph, Basel Al-Rudainy, Sergio Murgia & Tommy Nylander, 2021, In: Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.

Impact of arginine−phosphate interactions on the reentrant condensation of disordered proteins
Samuel Lenton, Stefan Hervø-Hansen, Anton M. Popov, Mark D. Tully, Mikael Lund & Marie Skepö, 2021, In: Biomacromolecules.

Innovatively processed quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) food: chemistry, structure and end-use characteristics
Ramune Kuktaite, Ritva Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Cesar C.H. de Mendoza, Tomás S. Plivelic, Stephen Hall & Eva Johansson, 2021, In: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.

Localised strain in fissured clays: The combined effect of fissure orientation and confining pressure
Erika Tudisco, Claudia Vitone, Cristina Mondello, Gioacchino Viggiani, Stefanos Athanasopoulos, Stephen A. Hall & Federica Cotecchia, 2021, In: Acta Geotechnica.

Membrane Protein Structures in Lipid Bilayers; Small-Angle Neutron Scattering With Contrast-Matched Bicontinuous Cubic Phases
Charlotte E. Conn, Liliana de Campo, Andrew E. Whitten, Christopher J. Garvey, Anwen M. Krause-Heuer & Leonie van 't Hag, 2021, In: Frontiers in Chemistry.

Editorial: Membrane Structure and Dynamics Studied with Neutron Scattering
Holderer, O., Koutsioubas, A., Garvey, C.J. and Nylander, T. 2021. In: Front. Chem.

Controlling Phase and Rheological Behaviours of Hexagonal Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Templates for Nanostructural Administration and Retention",
Wang, G., Garvey, C.J., Gu, S., Gao, W., O'Dell, L.A.,Krause-Heuer, A.M., Darwish, T.A., Zhigunov, A., and Tong, X J. Coll. 2021, In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.

Solid state polymer architecture of empty fruit bunches of the African oil palm
Jarrett, K., Buckley, C., and Garvey C.J. 2021. In: Rev. Adv. Chem., in press (2021).

Micro/nano-structural evolution in spruce wood during soda pulping
Ahmed Wagih, Merima Hasani, Stephen A. Hall & Hans Theliander, 2021 Jan 6, In: Holzforschung.

Conformation of Myoglobin-Poly(Ethyl Ethylene Phosphate) Conjugates Probed by SANS: Correlation with Polymer Grafting Density and Interaction
Daniela Russo, Christopher J. Garvey, Frederick R. Wurm & José Teixeira, 2021 Jan 4, In: Macromolecular Bioscience.

Building polymer-like clusters from colloidal particles with isotropic interactions, in aqueous solution
Sara Haddadi, Marie Skepö, Patric Jannasch, Sophie Manner & Jan Forsman, 2021, In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 581, p. 669-681 13 p.

Structure dynamics of ApoA-I amyloidogenic variants in small HDL increase their ability to mediate cholesterol efflux
Oktawia Nilsson, Mikaela Lindvall, Laura Obici, Simon Ekström, Jens O. Lagerstedt & Rita Del Giudice, 2021, In: Journal of Lipid Research. 62, 100004.

The Effects of Chain Length on the Structural Properties of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Concentrated Solutions
Eric Fagerberg, Linda K. Mansson, Samuel Lenton & Marie Skepo, 2021, In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 124, 52, p. 11843–11853

The Crystal Field Plasmon Splitting
Stefano Antonio Mezzasalma, Marek Grzelczak, and Jordi Sancho-Parramon. 2021. ACS Photonics.


Structural Characterization of the Microbial Enzyme Urocanate Reductase Mediating Imidazole Propionate Production
Raminta Venskutonytė, Ara Koh, Olof Stenström, Muhammad Tanweer Khan, Annika Lundqvist, Mikael Akke, Fredrik Bäckhed, Karin Lindkvist-Petersson, 2021. In: Nature Communications.

Highly viscoelastic films at the water/air interface: α-Cyclodextrin with anionic surfactants
Alberto S. Luviano, Jorge Hernández-Pascacio, Daniel Ondo, Richard A. Campbell, Ángel Piñeiro, José Campos-Terán & Miguel Costas, 2020 Apr 1, In : Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 565, p. 601-613 13 p.

Design and use of model membranes to study biomolecular interactions using complementary surface-sensitive techniques
Luke A. Clifton, Richard A. Campbell, Federica Sebastiani, José Campos-Terán, Juan F. Gonzalez-Martinez, Sebastian Björklund, Javier Sotres & Marité Cárdenas, 2020, In : Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 277, 102118.

Super-Resolution Infrared Imaging of Polymorphic Amyloid Aggregates Directly in Neurons
Oxana Klementieva, Christophe Sandt, Isak Martinsson, Mustafa Kansiz, Gunnar K Gouras, Ferenc Borondics Adv Sci (Weinh). 2020 Feb 7;7(6):1903004.

Structure dynamics of ApoA-I amyloidogenic variants in small HDL increase their ability to mediate cholesterol efflux
Oktawia Nilsson, Mikaela Lindvall, Laura Obici, Simon Ekström, Jens O Lagerstedt, Rita Del Giudice. J Lipid Res. 2020 Nov 24;62:100004.

Apolipoprotein A-I primes beta cells to increase glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
Oktawia Nilsson, Rita Del Giudice, Mototsugu Nagao, Caitriona Grönberg, Lena Eliasson, Jens O Lagerstedt. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2020 Mar 1;1866(3):165613.

Targeting GLUT1 in acute myeloid leukemia to overcome cytarabine resistance
Hannah Åbacka, Jesper S Hansen, Peng Huang, Raminta Venskutonytė, Axel Hyrenius-Wittsten, Giulio Poli, Tiziano Tuccinardi, Carlotta Granchi, Filippo Minutolo, Anna K Hagström-Andersson, Karin Lindkvist-Petersson
Haematologica, 2020 Jun 18; haematol.2020.246843.

On the interaction of softwood hemicellulose with cellulose surfaces in relation to molecular structure and physicochemical properties of hemicellulose
Naidjonoka, P., Arcos Hernandes, M., Pálsson, G. K., Heinrich, F., Stålbrand, H., Nylander, T. 2020, In: Soft Matter. 16, p. 7063-7076 14 p

Anomalous Salt Dependence Reveals an Interplay of Attractive and Repulsive Electrostatic Interactions in α-synuclein Fibril Formation
Ricardo Gaspar, Mikael Lund, Emma Sparr, Sara Linse, 2020: Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 August 2020

The Effects of Chain Length on the Structural Properties of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Concentrated Solutions
Eric Fagerberg, Linda K. Månsson, Samuel Lenton, and Marie Skepö, 2020: Journal och Physical Chemistry. B 2020, 124, 52, 11843–11853

More than protection: the function of TiO2 interlayers in hematite functionalized Si photoanodes
Anurag Kawde, Alagappan Annamalai, Anita Sellstedt, Jens Uhlig, Thomas Wågberg, Pieter Glatzel and Johannes Messinger, 2020: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 28459-28467

Sub-trabecular strain evolution in human trabecular bone
Mikael J. Turunen, Sophie Le Cann, Erika Tudisco, Goran Lovric, Alessandra Patera, Stephen A. Hall & Hanna Isaksson, 2020 dec 1, I : Scientific Reports. 10, 1, 13788.

Bone Damage Evolution Around Integrated Metal Screws Using X-Ray Tomography: In situ Pullout and Digital Volume Correlation
Sophie Le Cann, Erika Tudisco, Magnus Tägil, Stephen A. Hall & Hanna Isaksson, 2020 aug 5, I : Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 8, 10 s., 934.

3D Structure and Mechanics of Silk Sponge Scaffolds Is Governed by Larger Pore Sizes
Betina M.P. Ferreira, Niklas Andersson, Erik Atterling, Jonas Engqvist, Stephen Hall & Cedric Dicko, 2020 jul 17, I : Frontiers in Materials. 7, 211.

Surface analysis of tissue paper using laser scanning confocal microscopy and micro-computed topography
Mostafa Y. Ismail, Minna Patanen, Sami Kauppinen, Harri Kosonen, Matti Ristolainen, Stephen A. Hall & Henrikki Liimatainen, 2020 jan 1, I : Cellulose.

Anisotropic mesoporous silica/microgel core-shell responsive particles
Julien Schmitt, Caroline Hartwig, Jérôme J. Crassous, Adriana M. Mihut, Peter Schurtenberger & Viveka Alfredsson, 2020, I : RSC Advances. 10, 42, s. 25393-25401 9 s.

A short peptide of the C-terminal class Y helices of apolipoprotein A-I has preserved functions in cholesterol efflux and in vivo metabolic control
Shelley J. Edmunds, Rebeca Liébana-García, Karin G. Stenkula & Jens O. Lagerstedt, 2020, I : Scientific Reports. 10, 1, 18070.

Crystal-to-Crystal Transitions in Binary Mixtures of Soft Colloids
Jasper N. Immink, Maxime J. Bergman, J. J.Erik Maris, Joakim Stenhammar & Peter Schurtenberger, 2020, I : ACS Nano. s. 14861–14868

Generalized Moment Correction for Long-Ranged Electrostatics
Björn Stenqvist, Vidar Aspelin & Mikael Lund, 2020, I : Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 16, 6, s. 3737-3745 9 s.

Imaging strain localisation in porous andesite using digital volume correlation
Michael J. Heap, Patrick Baud, Jessica A. McBeck, François Renard, Lucille Carbillet & Stephan A. Hall, 2020, I : Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 404, 107038.

Structural biology of calcium phosphate nanoclusters sequestered by phosphoproteins
Samuel Lenton, Qian Wang, Tommy Nylander, Susana Teixeira & Carl Holt, 2020, I : Crystals. 10, 9, 45 s., 755.

Structural Diversity of Native Major Ampullate, Minor Ampullate, Cylindriform, and Flagelliform Silk Proteins in Solution
Imke Greving, Ann E. Terry, Chris Holland, Maxime Boulet-Audet, Isabelle Grillo, Fritz Vollrath & Cedric Dicko, 2020, I : Biomacromolecules. 21, 8, s. 3387-3393 7 s.

Molecular scale understanding of the embrittlement in polyethylene ocean debris
Christopher J. Garvey, Marianne Impéror-Clerc, Stéphan Rouzière, Gwenaël Gouadec, Olivier Boyron, Laura Rowenczyk, Anne Françoise Mingotaud, Alexandra ter Halle
2020, In: Environmenal Science & Technology, 54, 18, 11173–11181

Spontaneous self-assembly of thermo-responsive vesicles using a zwitterionic and an anionic surfactant
McCoy, T.M., Marlow, J.B., Armstrong, A.J., Clulow, A.J., Garvey, C.J., Manohar, M., Darwish, T.A., Boyd, B.J., Routh, A.F., and Tabor, R.F.,
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Effect of red blood cell shape changes on haemoglobin interactions and dynamics: a neutron scattering study
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2020, In: Royal Society: Volume 7, Issue 10

The Spatial Modulation of Microfibril Angle in the Woody Tissue of Maturing Tree Stems Studied with Synchrotron Radiation
Jarrett, K.J., Kirby, N., Buckley, C.E., and Garvey, C.J
2020, In: Australian Journal of Botany 68(4) 267-274

Drug-Directed Morphology Changes in Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly (PISA) Influence the Biological Behavior of Nanoparticles
Cheng Cao, Fan Chen, Christopher J. Garvey, and Martina H. Stenzel
2020, In: Interfaces, 12, 27, 30221–30233

Nanoplatelet Interactions in the Presence of Multivalent Ions: The Effect of Overcharging and Stability
Maria Jansson, Domagoj Belic, Jan Forsman, Marie Skepö
2020, In : Journal of Colloid and Interface Science June.

Morphological and structural heterogeneity of solid gliadin food foams modified with transglutaminase and food grade dispersants
Berger Ceresino, E., Johansson, E., Harumi Sato, H., Tomás Plivelic, Stephen Hall & Kuktaite, R., 
2020 May 26, In : Food Hydrocolloids. 108, 10 p., 105995.

ApoA-1 improves glucose tolerance by increasing glucose uptake into heart and skeletal muscle independently of AMPKα2
Fritzen, A. M., Domingo-Espín, J., Lundsgaard, A. M., Kleinert, M., Israelsen, I., Carl, C. S., Nicolaisen, T. S., Kjøbsted, R., Jeppesen, J. F., Wojtaszewski, J. F. P., Jens O. Lagerstedt & Kiens, B., 
2020 May, In : Molecular Metabolism. 35, 100949.

Integrating All-Atom and Coarse-Grained Simulations - Toward Understanding of IDPs at Surfaces
Kristin Hyltegren, Marco Polimeni, Marie Skepö & Mikael Lund,.
2020 Mar 10, In : Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 16, 3, p. 1843-1853 11 p.

Phosphorylation of a Disordered Peptide - Structural Effects and Force Field Inconsistencies
Ellen Rieloff & Marie Skepö, 
2020 Mar 10, In : Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 16, 3, p. 1924-1935 12 p.

Adsorption of Fibrinogen on Silica Surfaces-The Effect of Attached Nanoparticles
Kristin Hyltegren, Hulander, M., Andersson, M. & Marie Skepö, 
2020 Mar 6, In : Biomolecules. 10, 3, 413.

A microgel-Pickering emulsion route to colloidal molecules with temperature-tunable interaction sites
Linda K. Månsson, Peng, F., Crassous, J. J. & Peter Schurtenberger, 2020 Jan 20, In : Soft Matter. 16, 7, p. 1908-1921 14 p.

Controlling the morphology of microgels by ionic stimuli
Bergman, M. J., Pedersen, J. S., Peter Schurtenberger & Niels Boon, 
2020, In : Soft Matter. 16, 11, p. 2786-2794 9 p.

Non-reversible heat-induced gelation of a biocompatible Fmoc-hexapeptide in water
Wojciechowski, J. P., Martin, A. D., Du, E. Y., Christopher J. Garvey, Nordon, R. E. & Thordarson, P., 
2020, In : Nanoscale. 12, 15, p. 8262-8267 6 p.

Physicochemical characterisation of KEIF€-the intrinsically disordered N-terminal region of magnesium transporter A
Stéphanie Jephthah, Linda K. Månsson, Domagoj Belić, Morth, J. P. & Marie Skepö, 
2020, In : Biomolecules. 10, 4, 623.

Reconstructing intragranular strain fields in polycrystalline materials from scanning 3DXRD data
N. Axel Henningsson, Stephen A. Hall, Wright, J. P. & Johan Hektor, 
2020, In : Journal of Applied Crystallography. 53, p. 314-325 12 p.

Spontaneous Formation of Cushioned Model Membranes Promoted by an Intrinsically Disordered Protein
Gerelli Y., Amanda Eriksson Skog, Stephanie Jephthah, Welbourn, R. J. L., Klechikov, A. & Marie Skepö, 
2020, In : Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 36, 15, p. 3997-4004 8 p.

Super‐Resolution Infrared Imaging of Polymorphic Amyloid Aggregates Directly in Neurons
Oxana Klementieva Christophe Sandt Isak Martinsson Mustafa Kansiz Gunnar K. Gouras Ferenc Borondics
(2020) In Advanced Science

Coordination crosslinking of helical substituted oligoamide nanorods with Cu(II)
Claire Buchanan,Christopher J Garvey, Ljiljana Puskar,Patrick Perlmutter &Adam Mechler
(2020) Supramolecular Chemistry

Anisotropic dynamics and kinetic arrest of dense colloidal ellipsoids in the presence of an external field studied by differential dynamic microscopy
Pal, Antara ; Martinez, Vincent A. ; Ito, Thiago H.; Arlt, Jochen ; Crassous, Jérôme J.; Poon, Wilson C.K. and Schurtenberger, Peter.
(2020) In Science Advances 6(3).

Potential and limits of a colloid approach to protein solutions
Anna Stradner & Peter Schurtenberger, 
2020 Jan 14, In : Soft Matter. 16, 2, p. 307-323 17 p.

Using Patchy Particles to Prevent Local Rearrangements in Models of Non-equilibrium Colloidal Gels
Jasper N. Immink, Maris, J. J. E., Peter Schurtenberger & Joakim Stenhammar, 
2020, In: Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 36, 1, p. 419-425 7 p.

Exploring the visual world of fossilized and modern fungus gnat eyes (Diptera: Keroplatidae) with X-ray microtomography
Taylor, G. J., Stephen A. Hall, Johan A. Gren & Emily Baird
2020, In : Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 17, 163


Evaluating Models of Varying Complexity of Crowded Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Solutions Against SAXS
Eric Fagerberg, Samuel Lenton, Marie Skepö, 2019,
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 12, 6968–6983
Publication Date:November 12, 2019

A novel multiscale neutron diffraction based experimental approach for granular media
Stefanos Athanasopoulos, Stephen Hall & Kelleher, J. F., 2019, Dec, In: Géotechnique Letters. 9, 4

Fast 4‐D Imaging of Fluid Flow in Rock by High‐Speed Neutron Tomography
Erika Tudisco, Etxegarai, M., Stephen Hall, Charalampidou, E-M., Couples, G. D., Lewis, H., Tengattini, A. & Kardjilov, N., 2019 Apr 1, In : Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 124, 4, p. 3557-3569

Long term evolution of microstructure and stress around tin whiskers investigated using scanning Laue microdiffraction
Johan Hektor, Micha, J. S., Stephen A. Hall, Srinivasan Iyengar & Matti Ristinmaa, 2019, in : Acta Materialia. 168, p. 210-221 12 p.

On short-ranged pair-potentials for long-range electrostatics
Stenqvist, B. & Mikael Lund, 2019, In : Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 21, 44, p. 24787-24792 6 p.

Particle rotations and energy dissipation during mechanical compression of granular materials
Zhai, C., Herbold, E. B., S. A. Hall & Hurley, R. C., 2019, In : Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 129, p. 19-38 20 p.

Polyelectrolyte-nanoplatelet complexation: Is it possible to predict the state diagram?
Maria Jansson & Marie Skepö, 2019, In : International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20, 24, 6217.

Ultrastructural modeling of small angle scattering from photosynthetic membranes.
Dainius Jakubauskas, Łucja Kowalewska, Anna V. Sokolova, Christopher J. Garvey, Kell Mortensen, Poul Erik Jensen & Jacob J. K. Kirkensgaard, In: Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 19405 (2019) 

Enzyme encapsulation in nanostructured self-assembled structures: Toward biofunctional supramolecular assemblies
Maria Valldeperas, Andrea Salis, Justas Barauskas, Fredrik Tiberg, Thomas Arnebrant, Valdemaras Razumas, Maura Monduzzi, Tommy Nylander In: Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, Volume 44, December 2019, Pages 130-142.

Immobilisation of β-galactosidase within a lipid sponge phase: structure, stability and kinetics characterisation
Jennifer Gilbert, Maria Valldeperas, Surender K. Dhayal,d Justas Barauskas, Cedric Dicko and Tommy Nylander, In: Journal Nanoscale, issue 44, 2019.

Peel testing of a packaging material laminate studied by in-situ X-ray tomography and cohesive zone modeling
Håkan Hallberg, Simon Pettersson, Jonas Engqvist, Stephen Hall & Toft, N., 2019 Dec, In: International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 95, 102428.

Intercalation of cationic peptides within Laponite layered clay minerals in aqueous suspensions : The effect of stoichiometry and charge distance matching
Jansson, Maria ; Lenton, Samuel; Plivelic, Tomás S. and Skepö, Marie
(2019) In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 557. p.767-776.

Spatial distribution of core monomers in acrylamide-based core-shell microgels with linear swelling behaviour
Marian Cors, Oliver Wrede, Lars Wiehemeier, Artem Feoktystov, Fabrice Cousin, Thomas Hellweg & Julian Oberdisse
Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group); London Vol. 9, (Sep 2019): 1-11.

Tuning the Swelling Properties of Smart Multiresponsive Core-Shell Microgels by Copolymerization
Brändel T, Dirksen M, Hellweg T (2019)
Polymers 11: 1269.

Preparation of colloidal molecules with temperature-tunable interactions from oppositely charged microgel spheres
Linda K. Månsson, Tym de Wild, Feifei Peng, Stefan H. Holm, Jonas Tegenfeldt, and Peter Schurtenberger
Soft Matter (2019, accepted)

A Colloid Approach to Self-Assembling Antibodies
Nicholas Skar-Gislinge, Michela Ronti, Tommy Garting, Christian Rischel, Peter Schurtenberger, Emanuela Zaccarelli, Anna Stradner
:Mol. Pharmaceutics: 2019: 16, 6, 2394-2404, May 6, 2019

A Droplet-Based Microfluidics Route to Temperature-Responsive Colloidal Molecules
Feifei Peng, Stefan Holm, Linda Månsson, Somnath Ghosh, Jérôme Crassous, Peter Schurtenberger and Jonas Tegenfeldt
Journal of Physical. Chemistry. B (2019)

Synthesis and application of PEGylated tracer particles for measuring protein solution viscosities using Dynamic Light Scattering-based microrheology.
Tommy Garting and Anna Stradner
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces; Volume 181, 1 September 2019, Pages 516-523

Experimental Evidence for a Cluster Glass Transition in Concentrated Lysozyme Solutions
Maxime J. Bergman, Garting, T.,Peter Schurtenberger & Anna Stradner
2019,I :Journal of Physical Chemistry B.123,10,s. 2432–2438

Soft particles in an electric field – a zero average contrast study
Sofi Nöjd, Christopher Hirst, Marc Obiols-Rabasa, Julien Schmitt, Aurel Radulescu, Priti S. Mohanty and Peter Schurtenberger
Soft Matter 15, 6369 (2019)

Reversible Formation of Thermoresponsive Binary Particle Gels with Tunable Structural and Mechanical Properties
Jasper N. Immink, Erik Maris, Jérôme J. Crassous, Joakim Stenhammar, and Peter Schurtenberger
ACS Nano, 13, 3292−3300 (2019)

Responsive Hydrogel Colloids: Structure, Interactions, Phase Behaviour and Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Transitions of Microgel Dispersions
Brijitta Joseph Boniface and Peter Schurtenberger
Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 40, 87-103 (2019)

Evolution of structural dimensions in mesoporous template precursor from hexagonal lyotropic liquid crystals
Guang Wang, Christopher J Garvey, Juan Zhang, Luke A O'Dell, Anwen M Krause-Heuer, Maria Forsyth, Tamim A Darwish, Steinhart Miloš and Lingxue Kong
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Volume 32, Number 7


A miniaturised pressure plate cell for in-situ X-ray imaging of water distribution in wood
Jonas Engqvist, Stephen Hall & Maria Fredriksson, 2019, p. 130-131.
Contribution to conference › Abstract

In-situ X-ray scattering experiments to measure deformation on multiple scales
Jonas Engqvist, Matti Ristinmaa, Stephen Hall, Tomás Plivelic & Jackson, A., 2019, p. 52.
Contribution to conference › Abstract

Multiscale Mechanics of Quartz Sand Under Load with Neutron Diffraction and Digital Image Correlation
Stefanos Athanasopoulos & Stephen Hall, 2019, p. 21. 21 p.
Contribution to conference › Abstract

Highly Viscoelastic Films at the Water/Air Interface: α-Cyclodextrin-anionic surfactants complexes
Alberto Sánchez, Jorge Hernández, Daniel Ondo, Ángel  Piñeiro, Richard  Campbell, Miguel Costas2,  José  Campos