This page collects ongoing targeted webinar series organised either by LINXS’ working groups and fellows or by associated groups, that are relevant for the community.
Preparing for Beamtime webinar series (2024-ongoing)
This webinar series hosted by the Environment & Climate and Heritage Science themes is aimed at preparing researchers of all levels for a successful beamtime.
Biophysics of Drug Delivery webinar series (2023-ongoing)
Welcome to a webinar series organised by working group 4 of the Integrative Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (IPDD) theme!
Antibodies in solution (2022–2024)
A LINXS-NIST webinar series
This Webinar Series is meant as an educational venture addressed to a broad audience including students and researchers from various backgrounds and all those who are interested to dive into the fascinating world of antibody research and learn more about the use of scattering methods for this purpose.
Inversion of Coherent X-ray Data - A CoWork* Webinars series (2020–2023)
A Webinar series dedicated to the exploitation of the coherence properties of photon beams produced at new generation synchrotron sources. CoWork is a showcase of research utilising advanced methods for materials characterisation based on coherent X-rays (e.g. Coherent Diffraction Imaging, Ptychography, Holography, XPCS, ….) with the aim of informing and inspiring new users.
For all researchers intrigued by the spectacular coherence properties of X-rays produced at modern synchrotron sources – of which MAX IV is an example.
*A virtual Coherence Workshop
Let’s Dive into the Atoms (2020)
Welcome to a web-seminar series introducing x-ray and neutron science from a methods perspective. The aim is to create a fundamental understanding of how you as a researcher can use x-rays and neutrons in your own research.
ForMAX webinar series (2022-ongoing)
Welcome to a webinar series on the ForMAX beamline! Take the opportunity to learn more about ForMAX, MAX IV Laboratory and how to use the facilities for the research on materials from the forest.
ASP (The African School of Physics) Lecture series
ESS is presenting their collaboration school, ASP (The African School of Physics), with a number of selected lectures related to the LINXS community, with focus on neutron and X-ray science.
Science at large scale research facilities (2021)
A webinar series introducing the latest scientific breakthroughs and developments at large scale research facilities from all over the world.
For the first time, Science Directors from different x-ray and neutron facilities will explore – together with the participants - the science, the methods, the applications and the collaborations carried out at their research site.