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Illuminating Cultural Heritage : From Research to Preservation

Euro Science Open Forum 2020 - Trieste (Italy)_2019-10-28_3266.png

In the frame of the Horizon2020 project ACCELERATE, an ESOF2020 session focused on Cultural Heritage will be held online on 06 September 2020 at 12:00 pm.

The session will bring together 4 scientific experts in the fields to discuss various aspects of the need and the use of cultural heritage research, as well as its applications.

Among others, the topics of the discussion include:

  • Examples of cultural and natural heritage items that the speakers have worked on, and the techniques used for the research study. Some of these examples includes Leonardo da Vinci’s Horse & Rider statue, fossils and more.

  • How cultural heritage can be protected using technology.

  • How different disciplines have successfully worked together to preserve cultural heritage.

For more information about the event, please click here.

For more information about the registration to the ESOF Open Forum (necessary in order to participate), please click here.