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The ISIS Endeavour Programme – User Meeting: Clean growth – energy and advanced engineering relevant materials

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We would like to invite you to a set of user community meetings, to learn more about the programme of large instrument upgrades and new instrument builds that we hope to carry out at ISIS over the next few years. 

Endeavour is the name of the programme of large instrument upgrades and new instrument builds that we hope to carry out at ISIS over the next few years.  This is a large programme of work with potentially ten or so instrument projects that will see us create the next generation of neutron and muon capabilities at ISIS.

Each meeting will last between two and three hours, and will consist of an introduction to the Endeavour programme, details of around six or so of the instrument projects that are particularly relevant to the topic area, and a chance to discuss the projects in smaller break-out groups. ​More information about the Endeavour Programme can be found here.

There will be three meetings, organised online using Zoom. You can find more info about them here.

The theme of the first meeting is: Clean growth – energy and advanced engineering relevant materials
Thursday 1 July, 1.30pm BST

Follow this link to register for one or more of the meetings.

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