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HALOS Workshop – Image analysis beyond border


Welcome to join the workshop and listen to presentations and bring your own poster to the virtual theme session rooms (more information about the posters will come soon)!

Date & Time: June 18, 11:00 – 16:00

About: Welcome to a full-day workshop organized by HALOS-QIM-CIPA-CSSB!

  • Imaging and analysis of tissues and cells

  • Imaging & image analysis of data from large scale facilities + complementary to data acquisition at cryoEM centres and synchrotrons.

  • Multimodal imaging

  • Correlative light and electron microscopy and correlative x-ray microscopy

  • Resources in the HALOS macro-region


Preliminary program

11.00-11.10 Welcome - Kajsa M. Paulsson, Oxana Klementieva, Carolin Seuring, Monica Emerson

11.10-11.30 "Imaging in Life Science" - Tomas Lundqvist, Sprint Bioscience

11.30-11.50 "Image analysis in Life Science" - Daniel Wünster, Odense University

11.50-12.10 Educational activities for training the next generation of tomography researchers and the need of access to computing clusters - Emanuel Larsson, Lund University)

12.10-12.30 Planning for multimodal imaging experiments - Oxana Klementieva, Lund University

12.30-13.00 Lunch

13.00-13.20 "CryoEM-tomography" - Ulrike Laugks Universität Hamburg

13.20-13.40 "Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy" (CLEM)  - Josie Ferreira, Universität Hamburg

13.40-14.00 Multi-scale Phase Contrast X-ray Tomography of Biological Tissues - Tim Salditt, Göttingen University

14.00-14.20 "Analysis - what are the options of handling data, what are the challenges, introduction of tools for quantification from QIM with possible outcomes etc" - Vedrana Andersen Dahl, DTU

14.20-14.40 "Visualisation"

14.40-15.00 Leg stretch with coffee/tea

15.00-15.45 Gather web interface with virtual poster session, “Theme rooms” with industry representatives

15.45-16.00 Discussion, summary and concluding remarks

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