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HALOS webinar - Combined spectroscopy and scattering to resolve (bio)molecular processes


Welcome to HALOS digitalmwebinar with Cedric Dicko, associate professor, Pure and Applied Biochemistry, Lund University, on May 25, 12:00 - 13:00 CET

While the importance of structure function relationships has been recognized and their correlation sought after, the underlying molecular mechanisms linking structure to function are elusive. A relevant way to approach the problem is the combination of techniques that can report on structure and chemistry of the samples. To address this need, we have developed a platform called SUrF that consists of synchrotron SAXS, UV Vis, and Fluorescence techniques. The combining of multiple probes in this manner will match the potential of next generation synchrotron sources and address an ever growing community and the increasing complexity of the samples, both chemically and structurally. In this contribution, we illustrate the concept and benefits of the SURF and equivalent for neutrons (NURF) on selected examples and provide and update on the current design and status.
