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European XFEL Science Seminar - Time Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy @ EU-XFEL: ideas and challenges from soft to hard X-ray


Giancarlo Panaccione

Istituto Officina dei Materiali (IOM)-CNR,  National Research Council -Trieste Italy

Time Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy @ EU-XFEL: ideas and challenges from soft to hard X-ray

The role of X-ray based electron spectroscopies in determining chemical, electronic and magnetic properties of solids is well known since a few decades. PhotoElectron Spectroscopy (PES) possesses all the necessary characteristics to explore, in a direct way, the electronic properties of solids and to reveal the complex relationship between charge, spin and orbit often present in quantum materials. Surface and interface effects are of utmost importance in this context and use of the variable depth sensitivity of PES by exploiting the tunability of Synchrotron and X-FEL may deepen our understanding of dimensionality effects, spanning to extreme surface sensitivity to truly bulk one.

In this talk, recent PES results will be presented, where the combination of angle, spin, time and depth-resolved experiments is able to reveal ‘hidden’ spectral features, connected to electronic and/or magnetic properties, as well as to underline the importance of dimensionality effects in quantum materials. Some specific technical and scientific challenges related to performing time resolved PES in soft and hard X-ray regime will be outlined.

Host: Sakura Pascarelli

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