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Joint ESS - MAX IV Science Colloquium: Watching catalysts at work in real time and at real pressures with photoelectrons

Welcome to a ESS-MAX IV Science Colloquium with Associate Professor Jan Knudsen, Lund University.

When: March 4, 15.15 (coffee is served from 15.00)
Where:  Conference room Saturn at ESS (Odarslövsvägen 113, 225 92 Lund)

Title: Watching catalysts at work in real time and at real pressures with photoelectrons

Catalysts are our invisible helpers, cleaning exhaust from vehicles and industrial plants and helping synthesize more than 90% of all chemicals produced. In this talk, I will discuss how x-ray light from MAX IV together with novel ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy instrumentation can give us atomic-scale pictures and movies of our invisible catalytic metal and oxide helpers with and without graphene clothes on.