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PhD course: Electron Microscopy for Life Scientists, 4,5 credits

Course description

The course gives an introduction to both Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). We cover electron microscopy principles and theory, fields of application, operation modes and image interpretation. A major part of the course consists of practical work on preparing and imaging (SEM or TEM) of the attendant’s own material.

A maximum of 8 students can attend the course.

Course syllabus (pdf; 256 kB; opens in new window)


2 – 27 March, 2020. The course will be held in the Biology building, Sölvegatan 35, Lund


Register by sending an e-mail to including name, department, address, research group and supervisor details. Last day to register is 20 February 2020.

Course fee

The course is free of change for ADMIRE (Advanced Microscopy Research Environment) members. Register at It is free of charge to become a member of ADMIRE, the microscopy research school for PhD students. For non-LU students the course fee is 10 000 SEK.