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PETRA IV Workshops 2020

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In a series of workshops, the science case and technical requirements for the ultra-low emittance storage ring PETRA IV was and will be discussed with experts and future users from many fields of science.

Within the process of developing the PETRA IV Scientific Instrumentation Proposals (SIPs), the dedicated PETRA IV workshops are aiming to strengthen the scientific exchange among different user communities. Here the emphasis will be on bringing together current and future users working in all fields of science to exchange creative and interdisciplinary ideas and trends for experiments as well as identifying beamline parameters required to enable potential experiments at PETRA IV. :

Workshop 1 (19 - 21 Oct. 2020):
Materials and Processes for Energy and Transport Technologies
Workshop 2 (28 - 30 Oct. 2020):
Soft Matter, Health and Life Sciences
Workshop 3 (2-4 Nov. 2020):
Earth, Environment, and Materials for Nanoscience and Information Technology
Workshop 4 (18-20 Nov. 2020):
Technical Challenges and Scientific Computing

Organised by PETRA IV project team et al.