Welcome to join the next Joint ESS-MAX IV Science Colloquium webcast (link below):
Functional and functionalized membranes
While the pharmaceutical world used to be exclusively governed by drugs targeting proteins and nucleic acids, there has been an interest in recent years in molecules specifically targeting membrane lipids. The field of this so-called Membrane-Lipid Therapy uses membrane-active pharmacology to develop treatments based on the regulation of the membrane lipid composition and the membranes’ structure. I will discuss basic mechanisms how physical membrane properties can affect diseases, and the development of membrane and liposome based therapeutics with antiviral and antibiotic properties against COVID19 and to address our current antibiotic crisis.
Professor Maikel Rheinstädter, McMaster University, Canada
Wednesday, March 23, at 15:15
Zoom Meeting: https://ess-eu.zoom.us/j/66095744160?pwd=am5MRDVFNmc4bkZhbjFDZGJGL1QxUT09
Meeting ID: 660 9574 4160
Passcode: 209218
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