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ISIS SANS Training Course 2022

In the absence of an annual ISIS Neutron Training Course, the ISIS SANS Group will be running a SANS-focussed online training course in 2022.
The course is aimed at researchers from any area who intend to or already do use SANS in their research, regardless of discipline or institution. The key criterion is that participants should expect to use the SANS instruments at ISIS in their research.
The course will include a general overview of small-angle neutron scattering, performing measurements and data processing and analysis, and an introduction to more advanced data analysis in a variety of areas. The course will include both webinars and hands-on practice using the IDAaaS cloud computing environment to remove the need for participants to install software.

The course will be held from 1-10 February 2022, with teaching running from 13:30-17:00 GMT on weekdays.
Due to available computing resources, the number of participants is limited to 50.
Registration is open now and will close on 10 December 2021.
Full details are available on the course website.

Course organizers

Leide Cavalcanti (<
Gregory Smith (<