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ESRF-EBS Workshop “Dark Field X-ray Microscopy”


Welcome to the ESRF-EBS Workshop “Dark Field X-ray Microscopy”, held online as a WEBINAR on May, 6th 9:00 am to 7th 16:30 pm 2021.

Dark-field x-ray microscopy is a newly developed technique to measure orientation and strain in crystalline materials with spatial resolution down to 100 nm. At the end of the EBS shutdown, Beamline ID06-HXM will be the first instrument worldwide to offer this technique via a general user programme. Furthermore, the project has been selected as one of the Upgrade Beamlines, EBSL2, to be constructed on ID03.

The aim of this workshop is to present this new instrument and seed a new user community. Via discussions with potential users, we aim to determine the needs of future users for instrumentation such as sample environments, auxiliary measurements, sample preparation, etc. We also hope to benefit from your analysis of previous scientific breakthroughs in Dark Field X-ray Microscopy, and look at new routes for scientific development. 

Your suggestions will form the basis for the development of the Upgrade beamline EBSL2, to be constructed on ID03. We are currently in the early phase of planning, and want to make sure to include user’s requirements before finalizing the design.  Please think about what you will need in a few years, and we will try to make it real.  The new beamline is expected to become operational in 2023.

The workshop webpage can be accessed here:

Participants are invited to propose contributed talks through the submission of abstracts
Please use the attached template and send your abstract to

Contributed talks will be selected from the received abstracts. 
The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, 23 April 2021.

More information can be found on the Call for abstracts web page

Deadline: 30th April 2021.

Looking forward to seeing you soon at the Workshop

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870313.