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Introductory workshop for vibrational spectroscopy applications in environmental sciences

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It is now becoming evident that climate change disturbs biogeochemical processes and affects both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In order to better understand whether these disturbances will further accelerate or mitigate climate change we need to know key influencing factors and integrate them over different scales and environments. Vibrational (micro)spectroscopy techniques provide possibility to address this need by studying the chemistry and chemical responses of sample systems. 

This full-day digitally-held workshop will introduce the basics of the vibrational (micro)spectroscopy techniques, the equipment available in the labs of Mbio Microscopy Facility in Lund University and will provide an overview of their current applications and future potential in environmental sciences. 

We will further have a discussion on, but not limited to, how these techniques can aid to improve our understanding of carbon cycle, accounting for links to other biogeochemical cycles (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus), by investigating environmental responses to anthropogenic disturbances, processes responsible for carbon sequestration from the atmosphere, organic matter decomposition and its feedbacks on climate change.

Registration is redirected to google enlistment tool. Please enroll before March 10th to receive the zoomlink.

The workshop is organized by the BECC action group EcoSpec.