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SNSS Seminar series – Seminar 2: Small angle neutron scattering (SANS)


SNSS aims to strengthen the community by fostering new collaborations and showcasing the excellent science already taking place. Their ongoing seminar series focuses on the science facilitated by the first ESS beamlines, to highlight the existing strengths with the national and international communities and initiate collaborations for the future.

On 16th February at 13.00 the second seminar will take place and focus on SANS. The programme will include a brief introduction to SANS with a focus on SANS for materials characterisation, followed by scientific presentations from a range of fields. They will announce the confirmed list of speakers with a more detailed programme shortly.

A zoom-link for the seminar is obtained after registration.

Confirmed speakers
Reidar Lund (University of Oslo)
Ben Boyd (Monash University, moving to University of Copenhagen)
Judith Houston (European Spallation Source)
Johan Larsson (Lund University)

More info coming soon at

Register here

Organizers: The SNSS board