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Joint ESS-MAX IV Science Colloquium webcast, with Prof. Ian Robinson

Welcome to join this month’s Joint ESS-MAX IV Science Colloquium webcast (link below)!

Professor Ian Robinson
University College, London and Brookhaven National Laboratory, US.

Wednesday, Dec 15, at 15:15.

Importance of Nanostructure in Ferroelectric Devices
Supercapacitors store 10 to 100 times more energy per unit volume or mass than electrolytic capacitors and can accept and deliver charge much faster and more often than batteries. Along the way to develop lead-free dielectric materials, it was discovered that nanoparticles of Barium Titanate performed three times better than macroscopic materials in supercapacitors.  This spiked a flurry of interest to discover how the material worked.  Here we show that the answer to this question lies in the microstrain defined by the classical Williamson-Hall analysis of neutron or X-ray powder diffraction data.  A much more detailed understanding comes from Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction imaging that reveals the structural details of the microstrain in individual nanoparticles. This talk will explain how X-ray coherence is used for imaging and how this could be a routine addition to a powder diffraction instrument.

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