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Joint ESS-MAX IV Science Colloquium - Climate change, roots and neutrons - is there a link?


Welcome to join this month’s colloquium, on Wednesday Oct 13, 15:15:

Title: Climate change, roots and neutrons - is there a link?

Presenter: Jeffrey M Warren, Senior Staff Scientist
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

As climate continues to change and extreme events become more frequent, it is increasingly imperative to improve the predictive capacity of our earth system models. While some terrestrial ecosystem processes such as photosynthesis are well represented in models, others such as those related to soils and roots are often treated as black boxes. Here, we explore the current capacity of neutron imaging to provide insight into root function, specifically plant-soil water relations. Then we introduce advanced techniques that may provide novel breakthroughs in resolving root and soil dynamics in the future.


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Later Event: 14 October
ESS/MAX IV Online Summit