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EUGLOH Summer School on Large-Scale Facilities for Global Health - Opportunities, Project Writing and Career Orientation

Université Paris-Saclay, France, is hosting the EUGLOH Summer School on Large-Scale Facilities for Global Health this summer.


Date: 29 Jun 2020 — 02 Jul 2020 
Location: Online 
Target Group: Students (from undergraduates to PhDs), postdoctoral and senior scientists from the five EUGLOH universities 
Host: Université Paris-Saclay, France

Large-scale facilities offer unique opportunities to explore materials and living matter. It is sometimes difficult to grasp to what extent these facilities can be valuable to solve scientific issues related to global health. With this in mind, the EUGLOH Alliance is organizing a 4-day intensive course on large-scale facilities (SOLEIL synchrotron, MAX IV synchrotron and ELI-ALPS laser centre) to raise awareness of students and staff on the possibilities of facilities that contribute to the European research landscape. In depth overview of career opportunities, operations, techniques and applications (biomedical and environmental) of these light sources will be given. The last two days of the school will be dedicated to practical sessions to apply for beamtime allocation.

You will find more information and registration here: EUGLOH Summer School