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Seminar: Carolina Wählby - Developing computational approaches in microscopy

When: 2020-01-24 14:00 to: 15:00
Place: Lundmarksalen, Astronomy Building (next to BMC)
Coffee/tea - will be provided in the foyer after the talk.
To register, please email with subject "COMPUTE 24 January Registration" by 12.00 on Monday 20 January.

Please note that, owing to scheduling restrictions, the seminar will begin at 14.00 sharp.

Carolina Wählby is a professor in quantitative microscopy at the Dept. of Information Technology at UU. Her research group is focused on developing computational approaches for extracting information from microscopy images. Images typically come from experiments aimed to understand biology or diagnose disease, and projects range from large-scale cell-based screens for drug development to AI, deep learning, and morphological methods analysis of tissue and decision support in digital pathology.

More info on lab website: