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Workshop: SCANS – A Compact Accelerator-Driven Neutron Source for Scandinavia?

The Department for Neutron Materials Characterization at IFE is organizing a workshop entitled "SCANS – A Compact Accelerator-Driven Neutron Source for Scandinavia?" on 16-17 December 2019 at the Quality Hotel Olavsgaard, Skjetten (Norway). Funding is provided through the Nordic Neutron Science Program and its topical networks. There is no registration fee for this event.


Summary: The European countries are currently facing a serious neutron drought since several reactors are undergoing shutdown, the European Spallation Source (ESS) will not have a fully-fledged user program until 2025-2026 and other European large-scale facilities (ISIS, ILL and PSI) are heavily overbooked. There is a serious need for establishing additional neutron sources, especially in Scandinavia. It is believed that Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (CANS) could fill the gaps left by the closure of small/medium-power nuclear reactors.

Please register here! Deadline for registration is 02 December 2019.

Preliminary Program


Confirmed speakers

Frederic Ott (LLB Saclay): The SONATE project; A French CANS for materials science
Thomas Brückel (JCNS Jülich): The High Brilliance Neutron Source (HBS) Project
Anne-Isabelle Etienvre (CEA, Paris) Particle accelerators: powerful tool for interdisciplinary research
Nicolas Chauvin (CEA, Paris): IPHI, a high intensity proton accelerator for neutron production
Luca Zanini (ESS, Lund): Low-dimensional moderators for high-power/compact sources
Sebastian Eisenhut (Dresden): Cryostat for supply of hydrogen with variable ortho-para ratio
Bent Lauritzen (DTU Nutech): The Danish CANS initiative – A Summary
Max Wolff (Uppsala): UppCANS – A compact source for Sweden
Rob Frost (Lund): A compact source for the Lund area