Toby Perring

Toby Perring


Quantum Materials: Linking theory and experiments at LINXS, ESS and MAX IV: Core Group member, Leader of WG 1 – Ab initio modelling, LINXS Fellow

Senior Scientist, ISIS Neutron & Muon Facility, UK, and Chair of ESS Data Management and Science Centre, Denmark.

Toby joined the ISIS Neutron & Muon Facility in 1992 and has held various positions as a research and instrument scientist at ISIS, becoming an STFC Fellow in 2005. In 2007 he became an honorary professor in physics at London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London. Alongside his research interests in magnetic materials, Toby has developed techniques, instrumentation and software to study excitation spectra from single crystals at pulsed neutron sources.

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