Pascale Deen
Pascale Deen
Quantum Materials: Linking theory and experiments at LINXS, ESS and MAX IV: Core Group Co-Leader, Leader of WG 2 – Strong electronic quantum correlations, LINXS Fellow
Division Head for Spectroscopy at ESS, Sweden, and Affiliated Professor, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Pascale joined the European Spallation Source in 2011, having previously held positions at the Institut Laue-Langevin and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. She became the Division Head for Spectroscopy at the ESS in 2024. She is lead scientist responsible for designing and building the cold neutron chopper spectrometer CSPEC at the ESS. As well as instrumentation, her scientific interests include strongly correlated electron systems, magnetic frustration and quantum magnetism.