Rikard Landberg

Rikard Landberg


Food WG 5 member, LINXS Fellow

Rikard Landberg, Professor at Food and Nutrition Science, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

Professor Rikard Landberg is the head of Division of Food and Nutrition Science at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He studies the preventive role of plant-based foods using observational- and intervention studies. Landberg is the PI of several RCTs on the role of plant based foods in appetite and body weight regulation and on cardiometabolic risk. He also leads studies to test novel OMICs-based personalized concepts for improved CVD prevention. Metabolomics is a key technique used for discovery and validation of exposure- and prediction biomarkers, and for molecular phenotyping as the basis for tailored dietary strategies for personalized nutrition. Professor Landberg has authored ~170 papers, ~10 book chapters, delivered ~30 invited/keynote lectures and is the editor of one book. He has an H-index of 39 according to Scopus. Professor Landberg is a member of the Young Academy of Sweden and of the National Committee for Nutrition and Food Science at the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences.

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