Emanuel Larsson
Emanuel Larsson
NLF (Food) WG 3 member and IPDD WG 3 member, LINXS Fellow
Emanuel Larsson is a Researcher and Expert at the Division of Solid Mechanics and at LUNARC - Centre for Scientific and Technical Computing. He is also working for CIPA - Correlative Image Processing and Analysis at Lund University and QIM - Center for Quantification of Imaging Data from MAX IV, as well as for the ForMAX portal - a platform at MAX IV, which will offer education and access to advanced X-ray methods to the forest industry. He has previously been stationed at both X-ray micro and nano tomography beamlines at Synchrotron facilities, and has around 4 years of experience in imaging food science related samples, also including sample environments. Emanuel mainly focuses on educating and supporting users in tomographic X-ray and neutron imaging and image analysis. Together with Stephen Hall and Niklas Lorén, Emanuel will participate in WG3. Structure of food during processing.