Mikael Fauvelle

Mikael Fauvelle


Heritage Science Core Group leader and WG 2: Conservation leader, LINXS Fellow

Mikael Fauvelle, Researcher at the Archaeology Department, Lund University, Sweden.

Mikael Fauvelle is an archaeologist interested in the origins of complex economic systems. His research focuses on understanding how technological innovation spurred the development of long-distance trade networks and facilitated the formation of systems of social inequality. To map ancient exchange systems, he has employed non-destructive scientific methods including infrared spectrometry, pXRF, and synchrotron XRF. He is currently the director of the Complex Canoes project, which is using new scientific methods including SXRF to study museum collections of Bronze Age sewn plank boats. Other recent projects include research on the origins of money, trade systems in ancient Mesoamerica, and long-term resilience in maritime hunter-gatherer societies.

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