Summer reflections from LINXS Director

With summer approaching it is always interesting to look back on the first half of the year, which has been extremely busy. There has been a huge amount of activity amongst the LINXS Themes, the Young Researchers Initiatives (Hard Matter, Soft Matter, Life Sciences), as well as in the partner and hosted events. Some of the recent activities are highlighted on the website, and you can read interviews with some of the working group and Theme leaders. The steadily increasing activity at LINXS without doubt reflects a growing awareness of the capabilities of the large scale facilities in Sweden and Europe, as well their relevance in terms of scientific and societal impact - as emphasized in a recent analysis by Martin Stankovski and Farhad Khotbehsara.

A major preoccupation for LINXS during the first half of the year has been the planning of our move into purpose-designed premises at The Loop at Science Village (SV). This move will happen in early 2025 and arrangements for the first events at SV are already taking shape. This change of location is happening at a key moment for LINXS as its develops as an advanced studies institute, and following an extremely positive external evaluation during January-April. Please note in your diaries the LINXS inaugural workshop – this will take place in The Loop in Midsummer Week 2025 (17th-18th June 2025) and will feature an outstanding scientific programme during a traditionally upbeat and festive week in Sweden.

The AMBER programme for advanced multiscale biological imaging has recently completed its first recruitment call and has opened its second one. 15 highly motivated postdoctoral researchers are sought to work on a wide range of biological/biomedical projects throughout Sweden and Europe. The deadline is 6th of September, and we encourage you to share the call with your networks!

It is also a pleasure to announce that LINXS has supported three new Themes, following rigorous review by the LINXS external Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The new Themes, which will start in the coming months are: Advanced Rheometry for Neutron and X-ray Science (led by Roland Kádár from Chalmers University); Quantum Materials: Linking Theory and Experiments at LINXS, ESS and MAX IV (led by Andrew Boothroyd from the University of Oxford); and Advanced Imaging in Deeptech Academy (led by Martin Bech from Lund University). The science covered by the new Themes is really exciting, strongly complementing the existing Themes.

We are also pleased to share our LINXS Annual Report 2023 Highlights with you! This summarises LINXS developments, Theme activities, some selected highlights and statistics related to events and activities.

Have a great summer, and see you at LINXS in August!


A man, Director Trevor Forsyth. Photo: Kennet Ruona.

LINXS Director Trevor Forsyth. Photo: Kennet Ruona.

Noomi Egan