My stay generated networks, collaborations and ongoing beamtime proposals - Jitendra Mata
From just one month at LINXS, I developed so many collaborations, and got introduced to so much interesting science!
Jitendra’s stay at LINXS proved incredibly fruitful.
Associate Professor Jitendra Mata stayed at LINXS for one month during May and June as a guest researcher with the now finished Northern Lights on Food, NLF, theme. He works as a principal instrument scientist at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO).
He says that while his stay at LINXS was short, it generated new networks, collaborations and insights. He connected with researchers within the NLF theme, met many new people, and established contact with researchers he would only have crossed paths with at conferences.
He especially highlights the Northern Lights on Food V conference, the Swedish Neutron Week, his lecture at LINXS, the workshop at University of Copenhagen, and the visit to Uppsala as fruitful activities.
Already, his trip has generated a number of collaborative beamtime applications being submitted to ANSTO.
– Through these activities, we are developing and maturing neutron science. This will help the research community to realise the full potential of the ESS once it opens. The fact that we got so many proposals sent in, is a very good outcome from my stay, and for multilateral collaborations!
Growing the neutron community
Engaging and growing the neutron community is a task that he as an instrument scientist sees as very important. Not least, now, when neutrons are decreasing in many facilities across the world due to maintenance and opening delays. He also reflects that while many researchers within Sweden understands the importance of neutrons and X-rays techniques, there are still significant opportunities for growth.
– I see my own role and that of LINXS as very similar: we are both keeping the flame for neutrons alive, and helping researchers to maintain this important science.
Jit commends LINXS’ many diverse activities for promoting neutron and X-ray science, for example its work to educate PhD and postdocs through the Young Researchers’ Initiatives.
LINXS’ role will increase as ESS opens
He also reflects that he thinks that the role for LINXS will significantly increase as ESS opens. People from all over the world will come to Lund, which will make the framework and collaboration opportunities that LINXS provides even more needed.
– I have worked in neutron scattering for a long time now, and from experience I know that there is always huge demand for neutrons: even a facility like ESS will have oversubscription. This will lead to disappointment when researchers apply for beamtime at ESS and don’t get it.
– LINXS will have a role in managing this disappointment, and can help point researchers to other facilities like ANSTO or ISIS.
Jitendra Mata is already looking forward to coming back to LINXS. For him, the stay was just the beginning of a long relationship as he sees it.
– I had an absolute wonderful stay! I am open to do many different things, teach, given a lecture, whatnot! It is great that we now have this strong connection!