Three new Themes to start at LINXS in the coming months!

Following rigorous review by the LINXS external Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), LINXS is delighted to announce three new Themes that will start this autumn or at the beginning of 2025. These are: Advanced Rheometry for Neutron and X-ray Science (led by Roland Kádár from Chalmers University); Quantum Materials: Linking Theory and Experiments at LINXS, ESS and MAX IV (led by Andrew Boothroyd from the University of Oxford); and Advanced Imaging in Deeptech Academy (led by Martin Bech from Lund University).

– These Themes cover an excellent range of science, and were selected from a strong set of national and international applications. It is very encouraging to see how well the open theme call initiative, first published in 2022, is working. The openness of the call is a crucial part of LINXS’ mission as an advanced studies institute, says LINXS director, Trevor Forsyth.

– The scope of the science covered by the new Themes is really exciting, with focus on quantum materials, advanced imaging, and rheometry. As such, they complement our existing Themes very well!

The Themes will run for three years.

Advanced rheometry for neutron and X-ray science, RheoMAXESS

Theme Leader: Roland Kádár, Professor, Engineering Materials, Industrial and Materials Science, Chalmers University of Technology.

The theme aims to unite soft matter science and soft matter processing with the focal point of rheology – the science of flow and deformation of matter – as a uniquely positioned analytical tool that connects both worlds across disciplines. The theme is born out of early success in developing new rheo-SAXS/WAXS techniques at MAX IV and strong drive for industrial collaborations around X-ray and neutron science in Sweden. This is in addition to the existing unique modalities developed at the ForMAX and CoSAXS beamlines at MAX IV. The vision is to upscale the cooperation model, join focus with ESS and galvanize a community around these two local unique strengths that will be capable of advancing soft matter science and technology and propel research around X-rays, neutrons, soft matter and rheology at MAX IV and ESS to a world leading position.

It will work across three working groups: WG1. Infrastructure development, WG2. Material development and processing, and WG3. Education and outreach.

Quantum materials: Linking theory and experiments at LINXS, ESS and MAX IV, Qmat

Theme Leader: Andrew Boothroyd, Professor of Physics in the Physics Department at Oxford University.

The Theme aims to promote the exploitation of ESS and MAX-IV for research in quantum materials. A particular focus will be to engage with the theory community in Sweden and further afield, with the dual purpose of strengthening the theoretical support for the experiments and identifying new opportunities for scientific discovery at the facilities based on contemporary theoretical developments.

It will divide its work across three working groups: WG1.Ab initio modelling, WG2. Strong electronic quantum correlations, and WG3. Topological quantum materials.

Advanced Imaging in Deeptech Academy, AIDA

Theme Leader: Martin Bech, Senior lecturer at Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University.

The theme will offer a comprehensive perspective on imaging techniques using X-rays and neutrons and develop the growing imaging community in the Nordic region. It aims to promote the continued advancement and refinement of both sample preparation and instrumentation, fostering development of scientific and innovation environments to enable cutting-edge deep technology and deep learning across science areas.

It will work across three working groups: WG1. Spectral nano-iImaging, WG2. Micro-tomographic imaging, and WG3. Advanced image processing.

Noomi Egan