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LINXS Young Researchers' Symposium II - Soft Matter

  • LINXS 19 Scheelevägen Lund, Skåne län, 223 63 Sweden (map)

Welcome to the LINXS Soft Matter Symposium Day for Young Researchers!

When: 20 September, 2024

Where: at LINXS (Scheelevägen 19, Lund), workshop room on the 5th floor.

Cost: Free of charge (Note: A no-show fee of 200 SEK will be charged)

Registration: Lunch not guaranteed if you register on or after September 18

What to prepare:

-       A poster

-       A single presentation slide describing your poster for the flash presentation. Please export your slide as a PDF and save it as Name_Familyname.pdf. Email the PDF to by 19 September.


At the symposium, early-career scientists in Soft Matter can connect, share ideas, and attend engaging scientific presentations. This is the second year this symposium is held. Don't forget to bring your poster for a chance to win in the poster-prize contest! There will also be 1-minute flash-presentations during the day where you get to present your poster.

Who can benefit: PhD-students, post-doctoral fellows and other early career scientists who use, or are interested in using, X-rays and neutrons in their research. The event is physical at LINXS so early-career researchers have the chance to meet and network.

  • Detailed agenda to follow

    09.00 Registration/Welcome with Coffee and Tea

    09.25 A short welcome

    09.30 How (not) to make waterproof paint, according to SAXS - Ellen Wilson, Lund University

    09.50 Spatially resolved synchrotron SAXS for understanding the structure of raw cotton fabric and the effects of water and oil - Andriani Tsompou, Malmö University

    10.10 Monitoring the dissolution process of pharmaceutical solid dispersions using combined SWAXS and microtomography - Martina Olsson, Chalmers University of Technology

    10.30 Coffee break and mingle

    11.00 Self-Assembled Nanocomposite Films for Enhanced Solar Energy Conversion - Rachel Kilbride, University of Sheffield

    11.20 Soft matter and reflectometry at the ESS – Where do we stand - Nicolò Paracini, European Spallation Source (ESS)

    11.40 Tail-unsaturation Enables Fine-tuning on the Self-assembly and Rheology of Sugar-based Surfactants - Jia-Fei Poon, European Spallation Source (ESS)

    12.00 Lunch and social

    13.00 Diffusive processes during protein crystallization - Christian Beck, University of Tübingen/Institut Laue Langevin (ILL)

    13.20 Using stopped-flow SAXS to study self-association of intrinsically disordered proteins - Henrik Vinther Sørensen, Lund University/MAX IV

    13.40 Poster-flash talks

    14.20 Poster session

    16.00-16.30 Wrap-up discussion and Poster Prize Ceremony

  • For questions about the agenda etc, please contact any of the organisers:

    Sophie Ayscough, ESS,

    Sebastian Kohler, Lund University,

    Laura Deeming, Lund University,

    Oliver Hammond, Aarhus University,

    Davide Schirone, Malmö University,

    Ellen Wilson, Lund University,

    Jennifer Gilbert, Chalmers University of Technology,


For practical questions about the symposium, please contact

Please note that we have a no-show fee of 200 SEK (for physical participation).
During our events we sometimes take photographs and short film clips to profile our activities. Please let us know if you don’t want to be in any photos/films before we start the event. Some webinars are recorded to be used for educational purposes in the LINXS website.

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