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Midlands Biophysical Network Meeting – Chemistry of Life theme


The Midlands Biophysical Network was set up to encourage collaboration in the midlands including equipment and knowledge sharing. This Network led to successful collaboration and partners securing funding for The Midlands Regional CryoEM Facility. 
The Midlands Biophysical Network Meeting is an excellent opportunity for the community to get together and collaborate.

When: 17 September 2024

Where: Henry Wellcome Building, University of Leicester, UK

Registration: (deadline 9 September 2024)


9.00 Coffee – atrium

9.25 Welcome – John Schwabe and Andrew Hudson (Leicester)

Session 1: Nuclear proteins

9.35 Emma Hesketh (Leicester): Technical short - The Midlands Reginal CryoEM Facility

9.50Andrew Bowman (Warwick): Visualisation of spatial dynamics in heterochromatin

10.10 Yolanda Markaki (Leicester): Mechanisms of gene silencing through RNA-guided biomolecular assemblies

10.30 David Grainger (Birmingham): Unexpected roles of histone-like nucleoid structuring protein in bacteria

10.50 Coffee – atrium

Session 2: Cytosolic proteins

11.15 Dave Scott (Nottingham): Technical short - Doing more with less: exploiting large scale facilities to get more results.

11.30 Ingrid Dreveny (Nottingham): Investigating the molecular basis of ubiquitin specific protease substrate recognition through protein engineering

11.50 Andrew Hudson (Leicester): Using the Circadian Clock to Uncover the Regulatory Role of Haem in Biology

12.10 Aneika Leney (Birmingham): Designing methods to unlock the PTM code

12.30 Lunch – atrium


Session 3: Membranes

13.30 Phil Kitchen (Aston): Technical short – Using mass photometry to study membrane proteins

13.45 Abhinav KV (Leicester): Decoding Secretion Systems: Membrane Integrated Molecular Machines driving Pathogenicity and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Bacteria

14.05 Alice Rothnie (Aston): Applications of SMALP-encapsulated membrane proteins

14.25 Michael Tomlinson (Birmingham): Investigating therapeutic potential of tetraspanin membrane proteins

14.45 Coffee – atrium

Session 4: Pathogens and antimicrobials

15.15 Aditi Borkar (Nottingham): Technical short - OrbiSIMS – guided modelling of viral RNA structures

15.30 Cuifeng Ying (Nottingham Trent): Single-molecule, label-free insights into protein flexibility and conformational dynamics

15.50 Ivan Campeotto (Nottingham): Structural characterisation of Trypanosoma cruzi antigens for diagnostic and therapeutic applications

16.10 Mojgan Rabiey (Warwick): Phage therapy in agriculture: from discovery to field application

16.30 Meeting close


Emma Hesketh
Tennie Videler
Ivan Campeotto (Nottingham)
David Scott (Nottingham)
Phil Kitchen (Aston)
Sarah Smith (Warwick)
Simon Caulton (Birmingham)


The event is kindly sponsored by: