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LINXS Event - Mini-symposium by the Time-Resolved Structural Biology working group

  • LINXS Delta 5, Scheelevägen 19 Lund (map)

Welcome to LINXS first symposium/seminar of the year. The symposium is arranged by the working group Time-Resolved Structural Biology.


9:00-9:30 Gergely Katona, University of Gothenburg: “Structure dynamics relationship in protein crystals on the picosecond timescales”
9:30-10:00 Stefano Mezzasalma, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb: "Shape plasmonics, geometric eigenvalues and crystal field theory"
10:00-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:00 Ran Friedman, Linnæus University : "Dynamics of proteins - augmenting experiment with simulations (and vice versa)"
11:00-11:30 Ellen Rieloff, Lund University: "Combining SAXS and coarse-grained modelling to characterise intrinsically disordered proteins"

Where: Big Workshop room on the 5th floor at LINXS (Ideon, Delta 5, Scheelevägen 19)

No registration is necessary. Welcome!