Scattering and Dynamics of Flowing Soft Material
LINXS Workshop December 10th-12th in Lund
Join us in Lund for a lunch-to-lunch workshop from Monday (10th) to Wednesday (12th) of December!
The Lund Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science (LINXS) is organizing its first thematic workshop titled Scattering and Dynamics of Flowing Soft Material. The goal is to bring together leading experts in the field of flows of soft materials, with a particular focus on neutrons and X-rays, but also complementary techniques including NMR, confocal microscopy, theory and computer modeling.
- Polymers
- Associated systems
- Colloids
New instruments and methods are equally welcome which will be immersed within the above topics. Each session will have 3-4 invited speakers and the same number of contributed talks. There will also be a poster session to encourage student participation.
Invited speakers
Dr. Qian Huang - Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark
Dr. Carlos Lopez-Barron - ExxonMobil Chemical Company, USA
Prof. Bamin Khomami - Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Tennessee, USA
Prof. Wes Burghardt - Chemical & Biological Engineering, Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Katie Weigandt - National Inst. of Science and Technology
Center for Neutron Research, USA
Prof. Joao Cabral - Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Guillaume Ovarlez - CNRS, University of Bordeaux, France
Prof. Itai Cohen - Physics, Cornell University, USA
Dr. Romain Mari - CNRS, University Grenoble-Alpes, France
Prof. Daniel Read - Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds, UK
Prof. George Petekidis - Materials science & Technology, University of Crete, Greece
Workshop Description
Soft matter is a convenient term encompassing a wide range of materials, such as polymers, surfactants, colloids, emulsions, liquid crystals and various biological materials. These diverse materials may exhibit time-dependent structures under transient or out-of-equilibrium conditions resulting from for example self-assembly processes, phase transitions or in response to external fields, such as flow. These time-dependent or flow-dependent structures may in turn influence their viscoelastic behavior or vice versa and be triggered by instabilities. Shear and extensional flow fields are ubiquitous in the manufacture, processing and use of these everyday materials and yet, typical experimental techniques, like small angle scattering, only provide information about the quiescent or time-averaged state. The combination of new time- and spatial-resolved experimental methods combined with computational and theoretical approaches is required to determine the complex nonlinear and time-varying response to deformations which is often also non-homogeneous. Thus, the study of flowing soft matter presents new opportunities and challenges of great scientific and technological interest carving out the path for new discoveries and innovations of flowing soft materials.
Organising committee
Prof. Ole Hassager, Dept. of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark
Prof. Kell Mortensen, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University
Prof. Peter Olmsted, Institute for Soft Matter Synthesis and Metrology, Georgetown University
Dr. Ann Terry, MAX IV, Lund University
Dr. Martin Trulsson, Theoretical Chemistry, Lund University