Integrative Structural Biology
LINXS Workshop November 19th-21st in Lund
Join us in Lund for a lunch-to-lunch workshop from Monday (Nov 19th) to Wednesday (Nov 21st), noon to noon.
Development in the area of structural biology methods combined with new computational possibilities has highlighted the importance of combining different methods in order to maximize the output.
With the rapid progress and improvements in the fields of macromolecular crystallography, Cryo-EM, small angle scattering, electron diffraction and use of XFELs, the new LINXS theme INTEGRATIVE STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY is formed to advance cutting-edge research and to encourage new users to utilize integrative structure biology to address key scientific questions.
Invited speakers (confirmed)
Prof. Henry Chapman, Universität Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Christian Betzel, Universität Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Frank Gabel, Institue de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble, France
Prof. Marius Schmidt, University of Wisconsin, USA
Prof. Tamir Gonen, UCLA, USA
Prof. Christine Ziegler, Universität Regensburg, Germany
Prof. Trevor Forsyth, Institut Laue-Langevin, France and Keele University, UK
Dr. Marta Carroni, Science for Life Laboratories, Stockholm, Sweden
Prof. Bernadette Byrne, Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Thomas Ursby, MAX IV, Lund Sweden
Prof. Mikael Akke, Lund University, Sweden
Dr. Marie Skepö, Lund University, Sweden
Dr. Pål Stenmark, Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Jens Preben Morth, Bioengineering, Technical University of Denmark
Dr Karin Lindkvist, Lund University, Sweden
Dr Annette Langkilde, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr Esko Oksanen, ESS, Sweden
Prof. Maria Sunnerhagen, Linköping University, Sweden
Prof. Irmi Sinning, Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center, Germany
Dr. Johanna Höög, Gothenburg University, Sweden
Jens Berndtsson, Stockholm University, Sweden
Workshop Description
The first symposium, which is the kick-off event for the new LINXS theme, will focus on advanced, cutting-edge research in the fields of macromolecular crystallography, Cryo-EM, small angle scattering, electron diffraction, mass-spectroscopy, NMR, and use of XFELs etc. The target group is primarily from academia but also from several large-scale facilities (MAX IV, ESS, etc) and industry. The program is centered around invited internationally leading keynote speakers, that will be mixed with shorter invited talks, TechTalks, as well as with presentations by PhD students and young researchers, and will be an excellent platform for national and international networking. Both experienced specialists and researchers with more recently established interests in integrative structural biology are expected to greatly benefit from the symposium.
Location: Elite Ideon Gateway, Lund
Content: Invited talks, TechTalks explaining the Methods, Discussion, Clip-session, Posters
Cost: Free of charge including dinner
Contact Åsa Grunning to join the LINXS email list,
Core group
Susanna Horsefield, Lund University, Sweden
Thomas Ursby, MaxIV, Lund, Sweden
Christine Ziegler, University Regensburg, Germany
Trevor Forsyth, ILL/Keele University, France & UK
Jens Lagerstedt, Lund University, Sweden