The Young Researchers’ Initiatives (YRIs) at LINXS aim to establish a dynamic platform for early career scientists, such as PhD students, post-docs and undergraduate students. They are directed towards those that are engaged in, or interested in utilizing, neutrons and X-rays in their research. LINXS wants to provide an environment that encourages interaction and learning, and provides networking opportunities for young scientists across diverse scientific disciplines. The focus areas of YRIs roughly align with LINXS’ thematic domains, encompassing Life Science, Hard Matter, and Soft Matter. The partitioning should not be seen as strict, and crossover activities between this areas are highly encouraged and expected.

The key objectives of Young Researchers’ Initiatives include:

Networking and collaboration: We are committed to forming an inclusive and supportive community, where both experienced users and newcomers to neutron and X-ray techniques can discover new collaborations and explore novel applications in their current and future research projects. Through symposiums, courses and tailored events designed for early career scientists, you will get opportunities to engage in discussions, exchange ideas and form new collaborations.

Education: Many of our activities include lectures and talks, covering topics such as fundamentals of neutron and X-ray techniques and their applications.

By Early Career Scientists, for Early Career Scientists: the initiative is driven by young researchers (PhD students and post-docs) that coordinates activities within each thematic area. The coordinating committee play a vital role in shaping the initiative by organising events that aligned with the needs of young researchers.

If you have ideas or thoughts on how to develop LINXS YRI (activities, focus areas etc) do not hesitate to contact the coordinators.

Who can benefit? LINXS YRIs is aimed at young/early career scientists, including students, PhD students, and post-docs that are currently using or have an interest in exploring the potential of neutrons and X-ray techniques in their research. The initiative is driven mainly by PhD students and post-docs that are active users of these techniques.

How can I get involved? Stay tuned for upcoming events! You don’t need to be a LINXS fellow or affiliated in any kind to participate in YRIs’ activities – simply register to events that you find interesting. Read more about the focus areas to connect with the respective coordinators.

Did you know that LINXS has an Educational Platform? We upload videos for educational purposes covering a range of topics from the fundamentals of neutron and X-ray techniques to their diverse applications.



YRI in
Life Science

Hard matter

Soft Matter