Preparing for Beamtime: An Environment and Climate - Heritage Science Webinar Series
This webinar series hosted by the Environment & Climate and Heritage Science themes is aimed at preparing researchers of all levels for a successful beamtime.
Beamtime doesn’t begin when you enter a large scale research facility: there is a lot of preparatory work that, if done right, can set users up for success during experiment time. The Preparing for Beamtime webinar series details the laboratory preparation work that should happen prior to beamtime to ensure that users are well-prepared for their time in synchrotrons or neutron facilities. The goal of this webinar series is to emphasise the importance of lab-based pre-scans with relevant techniques before beamtime. In some cases, multiple techniques may be needed to confirm a finding.
Speakers will cover different techniques, including imaging, diffraction, scattering, and spectroscopy of various selected applications. They will focus on how lab-based scans and preparatory work, including testing sample environments, can help strengthen beamtime proposals and make the most of each moment during a beamtime.
Events will be created continuously from autumn 2024. Each webinar will run from 35 to 40 minutes followed by questions from the participants. We hope to record all the webinars so that they can be available on the LINXS website, under Educational Material.
Please see below to find each webinar with more information about both the talk and the speaker. Here you will also find a registration link.
Read more about the series here.
Image credit: Martina Trocchi & Alessia Nava, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
WEBINAR SCHEDULE (the schedule will be continuously updated)
27 February, 14.00-15.00
Speaker: Nils Skoglund, Umeå University, Sweden
Title: From idea to synchrotron X-ray beam on sample – what in-house analysis did we need to write beam time applications?
More information and registration
28 January, 15.00-16.00
Speaker: Lucia Mancini, ZAG, Slovenia
Title: Synchrotron and laboratory 3D & 4D X-ray imaging in Heritage Science applications
More information
9 December, 15.00-16.00
Speaker: Joseph Jakes, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, USA
Title: Wood Sample Preparation Strategies for Synchrotron X-ray Research
More information
11 November, 15.00-16.00
Speaker: Alex Rodzinka, Cranfield University/ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, UK
Title: Neutron imaging and neutron diffraction of ancient weaponry – preparing for the unexpected
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21 October, 15.00-16.00
Speaker: Rajmund Mokso, DTU Physics, Denmark
Title: Multimodal and multiresolution X-ray probing of challenging samples
More information
24 September, 15.00-16.00
Speaker: Dr. Diego Dreossi, Elettra Synchrotron, Italy
Title: X-ray CT: What resolution do you really need?
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