Update from LINXS Director
Things are moving fast! The LINXS offices are currently being packed up in preparation for the big move into The Loop. After more than three years of preparation & planning, LINXS will finally arrive in its permanent location at the Science Village, in close proximity to the ESS and MAX IV, and co-located with our colleagues from Camurus, Science Village Scandinavia, Altitude Meetings, as well as Vectura SV. Operations will start, as seamlessly as possible, in the week of 3rd March. LINXS is also planning an inaugural conference in The Loop on 17-18 June, during the Swedish Midsummer week; registration has recently opened, and the venue is already half full – so register soon (we are limited to 200 delegates)! An excellent scientific programme is being put in place!
In other news, LINXS has just closed its latest national and international Theme Call. Interest has again been very strong and the applications are currently under the first stage of external review. It is gratifying to see how interest in Theme development at LINXS is steadily increasing from one call to the next and to see their impact as new research communities come into existence and grow.
The third Young Researchers’ Initiative on Life Science (February 24-25th) is currently under way – organised by Swati Aggarwal (ESS), Maria Pierantoni (Lund University), and Daniel Sarabi (LINXS & Lund University's Medical Faculty), and features participants from all over Europe including Denmark, Germany, Norway, as well as from ILL, ESRF, IBS and the PSB in Grenoble, France. The agenda is as usual an excellent one and registration has had to close at full capacity. Daniel Sarabi (postdoc jointly between LINXS and the Lund medical Faculty) who, along with Swati, set up the first young researchers initiative for life sciences - highlights some of the key points planned for the symposium.
The third AMBER call for the postdoctoral programme on multiscale biological imaging is closing – the next call is planned to open in June. On our website, we share interviews with four of the current recruits. Four postdocs have been recruited from the first call, and ten postdocs from the second call are in contract preparation to start work with research partners that include Lund University (Medical, Science, Engineering faculties), MAX IV, ESS, ILL, EMBL, Leicester (UK), and IMol (Poland).
LINXS Director Trevor Forsyth. Photo: Kennet Ruona.