Three new themes to start at LINXS in September 2023!

LINXS is delighted to announce the outcome of its first national and international theme call which opened in 2022. Three new LINXS themes will start in September: The Heritage Science Theme, the Chemistry of Life Theme, and the Environment and Climate (ECL) Theme.

The new themes will run for three years, until August 2026.

– The incoming themes will make outstanding additions to the existing portfolio of LINXS activities, greatly strengthening the effort to develop X-ray and neutron-based research throughout Sweden and internationally, says Trevor Forsyth, LINXS Director.

– We are especially glad that they represent three very different topics and approaches. The Heritage Science Theme will take LINXS into a relatively new area, and build important links with actors outside academia and researchers from the humanities, whereas the Environment and Climate Theme will shed light on important processes associated with environmental issues and climate change. The Chemistry of Life Theme will take innovative approaches over a broad range of science, stimulating interactions between structural and chemical biology.

Heritage Science: Neutron and Synchrotron Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Resources Theme

Theme leader: Mikael Fauvelle, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University. The theme is co-led with the University Museum of Bergen, and will collaborate amongst others with Blekinge Museum, and the Swedish National Heritage Board.

The Heritage Science Theme aims to explore the cutting-edge potential of using synchrotron and neutron science to study and understand our shared cultural and natural heritage, by bringing together archaeologists, anthropologists, art historians, palaeontologists, geologists, chemists, and physicists.

The Chemistry of Life Theme

Theme leader: Andrew Hudson, School of Chemistry, University of Leicester. Led by the Leicester Institute for Structural and Chemical Biology, University of Leicester, it is the first LINXS Theme to be led by a University outside Sweden!

The Chemistry of Life Theme aims to culture a “chemical view” of biology in order to tackle questions that would otherwise be neglected or impossible to address – by promoting two types of collaborative interaction: 1. Encourage researchers to work with current users of MAX IV and ESS in order to adopt the use of X-rays and neutrons to address their research problems. 2. Encourage existing users of MAX IV and ESS to augment their beamline studies with other approaches in structural and chemical biology in order to improve the interpretation of X-rays and neutron data.

The Environment and Climate (ECL) Theme

Theme leader: Dimitrios Floudas, Associate Senior Lecturer, Biology Department, Lund University.

The ECL Theme aims to promote the use of advanced analytical tools available at large-scale research facilities such as MAX IV and ESS, for a better understanding of complex environmental processes, including biogeochemical cycles that govern ecosystem functioning across the globe and aerosol-driven atmospheric processes critical to climate change and formation of air pollution.

During the coming weeks, more information about the themes, and interviews with theme members will be published on the LINXS website. Moreover, all Themes will have their specific web pages at the LINXS website including Fellows and activities. Keep an eye on the LINXS website!

Noomi Egan