Data analysis is a bottleneck for increased use of MAX IV and ESS - new report on bottlenecks from the Swedish Research Council

Better support for user-adapted data analysis is needed at the research infrastructures ESS and MAX IV. This is one of the main findings in a new report from the Office for ESS/MAX IV at the Swedish Research Council. It also identifies several other bottlenecks that prevent researchers from using the facilities in the best way.

In the report, a number of researchers who are familiar with large-scale research infrastructure give their views on where the bottlenecks exist. They also provide recommendations for how to remove them.

The three most highly prioritised recommendations are:

  1. Develop support for user-adapted data analysis, including AI support and support for management, storage, and visualisation

  2. Safeguard long-term increased competence in the use of synchrotron and neutron use by establishing a graduate school for this purpose

  3. Increase the HEIs’ resources to develop methodology that can contribute to answering new and complex research questions with the help of advanced experiments.

The report is written by Pia Kinhult at ESS, Monica Ringvik at Chalmers Next Labs, Daniel Söderberg at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Kajsa M Paulsson at Lund University.

Read the report at the Swedish Research Council’s website: Bottlenecks that delay the benefits of large-scale research infrastructure

Noomi Egan