LINXS welcomes new management members: Anna Stradner and Emanuel Larsson
Anna Stradner is LINXS new Vice-Director.
Emanuel Larsson is LINXS new Co-Director.
LINXS is delighted to welcome new management members: Vice-Director, Professor Anna Stradner, and Co-Director, researcher Emanuel Larsson.
Both Anna Stradner and Emanuel Larsson have been closely involved in LINXS and its themes for many years, and are now taking on new roles in LINXS’ management group, representing the areas of soft matter and life sciences respectively.
We asked them what they would like to achieve during the coming three years.
– I want to continue to establish LINXS in its unique role as an essential catalyst to exploit the co-location of Lund University, MAX IV and ESS for the sake of the national and international community in general, and for the Soft Matter community in particular, says Anna Stradner.
– I look forward to further strengthening the imaging aspect at LINXS, by emphasizing the benefit of conducting lab-based X-ray imaging pre-studies before going to a large-scale facility like MAX IV and ESS, and increasing the post experiment users’ support around image analysis and visualization, says Emanuel Larsson.
What do they see as the value of an organisation like LINXS?
Emanuel Larsson highlights the connective quality of the institute:
– In my eyes, LINXS works like a spider in the web in the X-ray and Neutron ecosystem by connecting both academic and industrial researchers, and beamline scientists with each other across borders, resulting in new and innovative science, as well as technical exchange of knowledge.
Anna Stradner also homes in on LINXS’ role in creating “links” between people:
– Experience from other x-ray and neutron sources has demonstrated that co-location is not sufficient for the local and national community to profit from these research infrastructures, despite the large national investment. LINXS creates 'links’ and networks between so far unconnected researchers, fields, organisations, universities, large scale facilities, industrial players etc., and thus generates a plethora of new and highly diverse opportunities centered around the use of X-rays and neutrons, as already impressively demonstrated by previous and current LINXS Themes.
About Anna Stradner
LINXS Vice-Director responsible for the focus area of Soft Matter. Anna is a Professor at the Division of Physical Chemistry at Lund University, specialising on biocolloids studied by scattering techniques. Her current research focuses on the properties of concentrated protein solutions with a particular interest in protein dynamics under crowded conditions. She is a LINXS IPDD Core Group Member, IPDD WG 2 Leader, and Dynamics (Legacy theme) Core Group Member.
About Emanuel Larsson
LINXS Co-Director responsible for the focus area of Life Science. Emanuel works as a Researcher at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University. He also works as a Lund University Node Coordinator for InfraVis - a new Swedish National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualization with 9 Swedish partner universities, and as Coordinator and Application expert at CIPA – a cross faculty infrastructure for image processing and analysis at Lund University. In addition, he works as a Cross-border Infrastructure Ambassador for the Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium (HALRIC), which is an Interreg project with 20 partner organizations. Emanuel is also a LINXS fellow of the following LINXS Themes - Northern Lights on Food, IPDD, and Heritage Science.