"Learn about soft matter applications for X-ray and neutron scattering techniques, build new networks, and win a poster prize"
LINXS postdoctoral researcher Sebastian Köhler is part of organising LINXS Young Researcher’s Symposium on Soft Matter on 6th October.
What are the aims of the symposium?
We hope to build a community of young scientists using X-ray and neutron techniques in the field of soft matter. The symposium will give early-stage researchers a chance to present their work and discuss current challenges they face in their research.
From LINXS' perspective we want to gain an understanding of what challenges young researchers in soft matter are facing and what future events LINXS can organise to support them.
Sebastian Köhler is postdoctoral researcher at LINXS, and placed at Physical and theoretical chemistry at Lund University.
Why should you come as a PhD student or postdoc?
We have arranged a programme full of exciting presentations with speakers specialising in different scattering techniques.
You will be able to present your work in the form of a poster and a short poster pitch presentation and get input from other early career researchers.
The symposium will be an opportunity to build connections with other young researchers working on similar research topics and get an overview of current research topics in the soft matter field related to neutron and X-ray scattering.
What type of science questions will be discussed?
The symposium will cover a broad range of different soft matter applications for X-ray and neutron scattering techniques.
What type of students and disciplines would you like to see attending?
The symposium will be interesting for young researchers from all disciplines related to soft matter that use X-rays or neutrons or are interested in using them in the future. The event is specifically aimed towards postdoctoral researchers and PhD students.