XAS school provides practical and useful skills – will be repeated annually
In the first week of November 2021, an intensive hands-on crash course in the planning, performance and evaluation of X-ray absorption spectroscopy was conducted. Inspired by the success of a long running course, the course team, headed by Jens Uhlig, Lector at Lund University at Chemical Physics, modernised the approach and in close collaboration with MAX IV, developed a new concept.
XAS School 2021 participants at LINXS facilities
The design consisted of one third part lectures, another third on data Analysis and the last third part on practical work, including sample preparation and a mini beamtime. The course was given by teachers from Lund university, Malmö university and MAX IV and received great interest from the very beginning.
Limited by practical aspects, much less than 50 percent of the applications could be accepted to this first round. 20 participants could join and based on an anonymous course evaluation the participants were very happy with both the concept and this year’s course and are looking forward to using their newfound skills in future work.
“Through such intensive and practical training session we are forming a new generation of scientists that can propose and perform better experiments at our facilities. This course will be repeated annually and will form the first of multiple training opportunities provided to national and international researchers by scientists under the egis of LINXS”, says Jens Uhlig