LINXS Winter Science Day
LINXS organised its 2020 Winter Science Day on the 16th of December. More than 70 people attended the event, which aimed to highlight research and work taking place within the LINXS themes. All four LINXS themes were represented, with talks on coherent diffraction imaging, GISANS, reflections from the Time Resolved Structural Biology workshop and the new theme, “New Materials”.
LINXS Director Stephen Hall explains that LINXS Science days were established as a forum to bring researchers from across LINXS together to facilitate cross-theme discussions and the development of new “scientific synapses”.
– The initial science days focused on communication between different groups at LINXS, and we have been transitioning towards a more scientific focus that, in the recent meeting, aimed to capture the broad range of science at LINXS, even if this was challenging in a single (online) meeting.
– In future science days we anticipate taking the opportunity to explore more specific, cross-theme topics in more depth and, hopefully, with the added benefit of meeting physically. We welcome suggestions on the format and content of the Science Days, as these aim to be community building events and rely on the community input.
– The Winter Science Day was a great moment to get a snapshot of what is going in our working groups. We hope that such LINXS-wide events can generate new ideas, (cross-theme) collaborations and fruitful discussions around x-ray and neutron related research. It is clear that we now have a great breadth of research taking place at LINXS and we hope everyone can profit from being a part of this strong and diverse community, concludes Stephen Hall.
Stephen Hall, Director of LINXS.