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Hercules European School 2025 – LINXS related


Read more and Apply here

HERCULES is a European course for PhD students and young researchers using Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for applications in BiologyChemistryPhysicsHard & Soft Condensed Matter.

The 5-week school includes lectures (60%), hands-on practicals, labs & tutorials (30%), visits, a poster session, group work sessions, ...

When: 9 March - 12 April, 2025


Where: Grenoble, France, and Hercules partner institution

Participants will spend one week in a partner institution in Europe among:

  • ALBA in Barcelona, Spain

  • PETRA III and EU-XFEL in Hambourg, Germany

  • KIT light source in Karlsruhe, Germany

  • SOLEIL in Saint-Aubin, France

This comes in addition to practicals, labs, and tutorials which will take place in Grenoble at ILLESRF and Grenoble Laboratories (CNRSIBS).

The school  includes a common part and two parallel sessions:
Physics and chemistry of condensed matter (session A)
Biomolecular and soft condensed matter (session B)

 The school will be held in an hybrid format. Thus, a part-time online participation is also possible, consisting only in following online the lectures held in Grenoble during weeks 1, 2, 3 and 5.

Why join Hercules?
- to learn new techniques using neutron and synchrotron radiation
- to expand your theoretical and practical knowledge, not only for your present research but also for your scientific career
- to experiment these techniques on world-class instruments & beamlines
- to build a network of relations with fellow young researchers and experienced teachers from all over the World

Bursaries/reduced costs
- A limited number of fellowship grants will be available to reduce registration fees