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Northern Lights on Foods VI – An international conference on food structure science and its applications - LINXS partner event

Do you want to learn more about the structure of food and how this knowledge can lead to new green and sustainable processes and could be used to create the foods for the future? Welcome to our annual Northern Lights on Food conference in Lund in June 2025!

When: 2-4 June, 2025

Where: LINXS, The Loop, Rydbergs Torg 4, Lund, Sweden

Northern Lights on Food – An international conference on food structure science and its applications

Food is the key to health, well-being and joy, but also poses challenges in terms of sustainably production that can feed the many. Recent research and product development have shown the need to establish the interrelationship between structure and function. Food is a complex hierarchy of various components assembled into interconnected structures, spanning multiple length-scales. Therefore, a combination of techniques is necessary to fully understand the dynamic process in the complex food matrices. The power of complementary techniques, advanced physical techniques based on X-rays and neutrons, and modelling to achieve in-depth mechanistic understanding has been demonstrated in material and life science as well as recently in food science. Interdisciplinary research as well as a combination of fundamental and applied food research is essential to develop novel, healthy and sustainable food for the future.

The Northern lights on food VI conference brings together leading scientists and application specialists in the field. We very much welcome industry, academia, research facilities and other actors. The program focuses the interrelationship between structure, processes and function. We will discuss how a combination of techniques is necessary to fully understand the changes occurring in the structure and function of food in complex matrices.


The programme will give ample space for early career researchers to present and discuss their work. A satellite symposium In honour of professor Björn Bergenståhl  is planned for the afternoon on the 4th of June.


See you in Lund!

/The Northern Lights on Food team