When: 8 January, 2025
Where: Belfragesalen @BMC Building D, Klinikgatan 32, Lund, Sweden
Join us for the inaugural meeting of the LINXS Advanced Imaging and Data Analysis (AIDA) Theme! The main goal of the Theme is the formation of a Nordic research and competence platform centered around imaging techniques and based at a physical hub. A meeting place, where we can continue to teach, explore and develop X-ray & neutron imaging techniques together with scientists from multiple disciplines. Come and join us!
The Kick off meeting will have a varied programme, including the chance to talk about science and to contribute ideas for network activities: in AIDA we have three working groups for the technical imaging side (spectral nano-imaging, micro-tomography and advanced image processing) and three scientific study groups in parallel (tissue and in vivo, food & biotech, paleontology and geotech), but other disciplines are welcome too!
Agenda to follow
Martin Bech, Lund University martin.bech@med.lu.se
Karina Thånell, Max IV karina.thanell@maxiv.lu.se