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WEBINAR: CoWork series - Studying protein dynamics by scattering, with Frank Schreiber

Recorded Talk: Video

The CoWork webinar series is dedicated to the exploitation of the coherence properties of X-rays for advanced materials characterization, with a special focus on inverse microscopy techniques, such as Coherent Diffraction Imaging (CDI), Ptychography and Holography. It is an introduction to Coherent X-ray imaging methods to facilitate the access to advanced microscopy techniques to new users and it welcomes all researchers intrigued by the spectacular coherence properties of X-rays produced at modern synchrotron sources – of which MAX IV is a first example.

When: Thursday Jan 12, 15.30 - 16.30
Speaker: Frank Schreiber, University of Tübingen, Germany
Title: Studying protein dynamics by scattering

Frank Schreiber is a Professor (Chair) of Experimental Physics, Tübingen University, Dean of Studies in Nano-Science. His researcch interests are physics of molecular and biological matter, scattering (X-rays, neutrons, light), optical spectroscopy, growth and structure formation, self-assembly, adsorption at interfaces, diffusion dynamics, proteins, nonoparticles, organic semiconductors, molecular interactions.

 Proteins are considered the machinery of life. They are an exciting subject of study for many branches of modern science and technology, from biology to medicine and pharmacy, but also in colloid science, chemical engineering and nanotechnology. In many cases, not only the behavior of individual proteins needs to be understood, but rather the collective phenomena, which remains a challenge, in particular quantitatively. In many cases, models derived from soft matter, colloid or polymer-based, can be successfully employed. After some introductory remarks on the soft matter perspective of proteins, we discuss concepts for controlling and understanding protein phase diagrams, including aggregation pathways and the branching between them in aqueous solution by addition of multivalent ions. This route for the tailoring of the interaction potential is exploited for controlling a) crystallization, b) gelation and amorphous aggregation, c) network formation, as well as d) smaller aggregate formation including their dynamics and kinetics. First, we present a real-time study of protein crystallization induced by multivalent ions using small-angle scattering and optical microscopy. Based on the crystallization kinetics, we propose a multistep mechanism. In the first step, an intermediate phase is formed, followed by the nucleation of crystals within the intermediate phase. In the next step, the intermediate phase is consumed by nucleation and slow growth. Competing pathways for amorphous aggregation and arrested states are also discussed. Second, we present complementary investigations of the dynamics of these systems using X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) and quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS), showing a remarkably universal behavior of the effective diffusion as a function of concentration and salt under suitable conditions. We show how, via a combination of synchrotron, XFEL, and neutron data, more than 10 orders of magnitude in dynamics can be accessed, connecting internal dynamics of individual proteins to collective dynamics of phase transformations. We also discuss the relationship with theory and simulations. Third, we comment on the impact of interfaces and try to connect the interface and the bulk behavior, including reentrant adsorption and anomalous interface behavior upon approaching bulk phase boundaries. Invaluable contributions by numerous collaborators are gratefully acknowledged as is financial support by BMBF, DFG, and ANR.

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Earlier Event: 12 January
LINXS Strategy meeting
Later Event: 13 January
Hosted workshop