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LINXS Workshop - Magnetic SANS – Data Analysis and Software Prospects

Title:     Magnetic SANS – Data Analysis and Software Prospects
When:  13th-14th June 2022
Where: LINXS office, IDEON Delta 5, Scheelevägen 19, 5th floor and Online
Registration deadline:  20th May

The analysis of magnetic cross-sections by half- or full-polarized SANS measurements remains challenging and often the commonly available software packages like SasView, SASfit, BornAgain, and GRASP need to be extended by programs developed in-house.

SasView is an open source community developed software tool. Capabilities for the analysis and simulation of polarized SANS data within the newly released version of SasView will be presented and followed by open discussions of its current constraints and how to optimize workflow for handling polarized SANS data more generally. The goal is to develop a series of prioritized items that the community would like to see added and hopefully identify people/resources who could help implement those priorities.

If interested, participants can watch a video in which Steve King gives a broad overview of SasView in general: “SasView - A 'Swiss Army Knife' for SAS Data Analysis” ( Note this is a 2h video. However, a condensed version of the information will be provided at the workshop with an opportunity for questions

Target audience

We are particularly interested in the attendance of postdoctoral researchers and PhD students, which have pre-knowledge on magnetic SANS data acquisition and analysis.


All participants should have experience in (optimally magnetic) SANS measurements and data analysis. Experience using SasView as analysis software tool is helpful, but not required. This will be an interactive workshop. As such, we are asking participants to give a brief (no more than 5min) presentation describing their interests/needs and/or the most important community SAS data analysis needs. In order to facilitate the following discussion sessions, we ask that participants kindly upload their presentation from the registration page by the 10th of June. The following questions can be used as a guide in preparing these remarks:

Which topics are you most interested in regarding magnetic SANS? What do you think will be the important future areas for magnetic SANS? What are you currently missing for your current data analysis and simulation software to optimally process your measurement data? Which in-house developed functions and workflows are you currently using because public software packages do not yet provide them?

For session 3 “Working with the Generic Scattering Calculator”, participants are encouraged to bring along example scattering data on (magnetic) SANS, which will be used to test the current limits of SasView’s GSC simulation capabilities. If interested, participants may wish to view the SasView video by Robert Bourne describing some of the new GSC features: “SasView 5.0.5 - How to use the new scattering calculator for magnetic scattering” Note that this material will be covered in presentations as well with an opportunity for questions.

Detailed Program

Day 1, 09:00 – 18:00

09:00 - 11:00: Introduction-presentations of participants: main interests & future wishes for magnetic SANS data analysis and software 
- Each participant presents for 5 mins

11:00 - 12:00: Brainstorming day 1: needs and wishes of the user community & current constraints of common public simulation software
- Small group discussions

12:00 - 13:00: Lunch break

13:00 - 15:00: Brainstorming day 1: needs and wishes of the user community & current constraints of common public simulation software
- Resumée of group discussions

15:00 - 15:30: Break with fika and cake

15:30 - 17:00: Presentations from the SasView-team
SasView Overview: Current structure, functionality, and Community Development Model
- Presentation by Paul Butler

17:00 - 18:00: SasView setup for session on Day 2

19:00: Dinner

Day 2, 09:00 – 17:00

09:00 - 10:00: Working with the Generic Scattering Calculator of SasView Interactive group work
- Presentation by Dirk Honecker
- Presentation by Annika Stellhorn

10:00 - 10:20: Break with fika and snacks

10:20 - 13:00:
- Individual group work on SasView & the GSC

13:00 - 14:00: Lunch break

14:00 - 16:00 (incl. break): Brainstorming part 2: data analysis & software prospects of SasView
- Small group discussions
- Resumée of group discussions
- Conclusion of the workshop

16:00 - 17:00: Introduction for new SasView contributors (for interested participants: preparation for the SasView-hackathon)

*Day 3, Wednesday 15th June: optional site visit to ESS (time TBD)


Annika Stellhorn, Lund University / ESS
Elizabeth Blackburn, Lund University
Wojciech Potrzebowski, Lund University / ESS

* Please note/For Information: The SasView Development Team are holding one of their occasional Hackathons immediately after Workshop on 15th- 17th June. This will provide an opportunity to further interact with members of the Development Team with a view to capitalising on the outcomes of the Workshop. Further details can be found on