All researchers whose work can develop through the use of X-ray and neutron methods can benefit from being part of the LINXS community and participating in LINXS activities. LINXS is a place to explore new ideas and research questions, to discuss methods and approaches, as well as meet and collaborate with scientists from around the world and from different disciplines and organisations.
People in the
LINXS network
How do I engage with the LINXS community?
There are many ways, on an increasing scale of engagement:
Participate LINXS activities and participate in the scientific discussions.
Contact and engage with existing themes and working groups. These are mostly in charge of and have budget to invite guest researchers. Some also come by reference and collaboration with our partners.
Researchers doing experiments at MAX IV or ESS are always welcome to work at LINXS on an ad hoc basis, as long as there is space available. To ensure space, it is always best to contact us and book ahead.
Initiate new themes, working groups and research activities connected to the LINXS focus areas through collaborations and by participating in regular theme calls. To lead and/or participate (and have your time paid) in a theme requires resources from your home organisation, so please make sure you have established a collaboration and that your home organisation is willing to commit resources before you apply for running a theme.
As a member of a LINXS working group or theme, you get an opportunity to organise research activities connected to your area of interest, and to create new contacts and networks. Most people active in LINXS activities do so with their own time and resources, because they are invested in the topics. LINXS offers administrative support to organise and run activities, disseminate information, and create a setting to highlight and discuss research developing and exploiting x-ray and neutron methods. The overall aim is to further research collaboration within national and international research networks, and to attract critical mass and resources from national and international funding agencies to a specific topic.
The LINXS community welcomes researchers from all disciplines and organisations worldwide.
LINXS fellows, i.e. guest researchers, or researchers working in LINXS themes and working groups, have come from the following organisations world-wide:
The following organisations are funding or have funded LINXS